Thursday, April 30, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 49 - Garden Bed 1

This is the perfect timing for me to blog!  I have to be on a call with our school speech teacher who's working with a couple kiddos, but my video and mic are off.  So this is a good way to pass the time!  😊  Here are some more pictures from my garden!  ❤
Box 1 - From the back, we have strawberries plants and marigold seeds mixed together.  The marigolds are starting to sprout!  I have to be careful not to pull them with the weeds.  😳  You can't really see them, but there's head lettuce between the strawberries and romaine.  They don't look super awesome right now, but I hope they'll perk up.
This picture shows the lettuce a bit better.  I'm still hopeful.  The romaine is looking awesome, though!  

Back to box 1, after the romaine are a bunch of seeds.  There is a row of romaine seeds, a row of butter crunch seeds, a row of marigold seeds, and a row of chive seeds.  I think I have a few sprouts coming up in each row.  Lastly in that box I have 2 rows of asparagus.  They haven't really started popping through yet, but I'm hopeful for this week.  Then I'm going to start adding soil to the trenches.

Ok, my zoom is done now, so I'm going to comment on some student work online and then help the kids with their schoolwork.  I'll post some more about the other 4 beds later.  Here are a few pictures of the strawberries because most of them look pretty good and they're in this bed.  😉

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