Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 32 - Sunday - Easter Part 1

I didn't get on yesterday and blog because we had a busy day and I just didn't feel up to it.  And as I've posted a half dozen blogs today, I'm quickly running out of steam for today, too. So here's a short recap of our Easter...

The kids woke up before Michael and I and quickly get to work on their eggs and baskets.  The Easter bunny brought them rain boots, planters shaped like pokemon with succulents in them, nerf guns, nerf vests, nerf glasses, nerf face masks, extra nerf bullets, sunglasses, and candy!  They were very pleased.  By the time Michael and I got out of bed, the living room looked like this...

So there are no pictures of the kids with their baskets or opening them, because they decided to let Michael and me sleep in and they tore into their gifts without us.  Oh well, at least they liked everything!  :)

After opening their baskets, the kids got dressed in their nice Easter clothes.  I had bought them Easter outfits well before the coronavirus hit.  Obviously we weren't going to church, but I already bought these outfits, so they were at least going to wear them for pictures, dang it!  Connor was very upset about this.  He kept telling me he didn't like fancy clothes.  I told him the faster we got some pictures taken, the faster he could get back in his jammies.  And if he didn't smile good it would take longer.  You better believe he cheesed it up!

I think Connor lightened up a little and actually had fun taking a few of those pictures.  As there are a lot of pictures there, I'm going to go ahead and publish this one, then come back with another one (or maybe two) to tell you about the rest of our day.  :)

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