Wednesday, April 29, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 48 - Garden - Tonight's New Plants

Ok, I learned my lesson with the flower bed, no putting together long, drawn out posts and then having the app crash on me.  Stick to the basics or leave lots of pictures out.  I think I've said a lot of what I need to say.  I'll add some captions to most pics and leave it there.  😉  Enjoy!
I got 6 new plants yesterday.  I planted them tonight.  One was okra.
My butternut squash plant did well last year, although I started it much later in the summer.  I bought another plant yesterday.  I hope it does even better this year, starting it earlier.  We'll see!
Also got a yellow squash plant.  Mine haven't been coming up from seeds.  This way I end up with at least one of these plants.  Still crossing my fingers and hoping the couple of seeds I planted come up.  🤞
This zucchini plant I bought looks awesome!  We'll definitely have some zucchini from it this year!
This one looks piddly, but I think that's mostly because I just watered it and it hasn't perked up yet, but I planted it in the same bed as the other zucchini plant, but this one I grew from a seed, starting it inside several weeks ago.  I'm hoping it does well in the actual garden!  ❤
I've got basil seeds planted somewhere, but this one was a little further along.  I planted it near the tomatoes because they're supposed to be good for each other, but not right in the middle of the tomato row where I can't reach the basil.  Hopefully that helps this year. 
Chives are in the middle of my 4 peppers.  Again, I have some seeds planted elsewhere, but these ones were already started. 
3 pea seedlings are in the ground around the cage.  Still need some sort of cage or trellis for the row of peas in bed 3.  Possibly between the peas and green onions since the plants are leaning towards the east for sun. 
Last pic of today's planting, bell and banana pepper seedlings are in the beds!  Woohooo!!

Alright, that's all I'm going to temp fate on this post.  Fingers crossed is actually publishes.  🤞🤞🤞  More pics tomorrow!!  ❤  Night!!!

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