Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Life Updates

It's been a little while since I posted, so let me take a moment now and update you on our lives and everything that's going on.  ;)

Avery is becoming quite the socialite.  ;)  She goes to church, to the mall, out to eat, shopping, the pumpkin patch, all over the place!!  She does so well when we take her out and about!  As long as she has a full stomach and a clean diaper, she's pretty much good to go.  We are SOOOOOO blessed to have such a good baby!  She's very low maintainance!  She's lots of fun and doesn't get too upset about much!  She makes this Mama's life easier!  :)  She's been in our lives for a little over 3 weeks now and we could not be happier!  :)  Life is good!!

We took Avery to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time.  :)  It went pretty well.  I used the Moby Wrap that Grandma and Grandpa Heorman got us when she was born.   It works great!  It keeps her all snuggled up against my chest and leaves both of my hands free.  It's pretty cool!  We got pumpkins for Michael, Avery, and me.  We haven't carved them yet, and as we have plans for tonight, it looks like it will be Halloween night before the carving happens (if it happens at all).  They are great pumpkins, and it's easy to tell who's is who's.  I don't have any pictures on my phone, we took them all with the camera, but I'll try to get some and get them posted.  ;)

We went to Topeka this last weekend.  It was the first time we had taken Avery out of town or anywhere overnight.  She did very well and the trip was a success!  We took Glenn and Linda out to dinner to celebrate Linda's last chemo.  Avery slept right through all the noise at the crowded sports bar.  The puppies enjoyed going out of town as they always do.  Chelsey and Payden came over and they and Michael carved pumpkins in the shapes of Angry Birds.  :)  They turned out great!  Linda decided she wasn't going to do anything all weekend, just sit back and relax.  That allowed a lot of time for her and Avery to sit around and cuddle.  :)  I think they both enjoyed that.  And of course, Avery went with us to church and met a few new people.  :)  Overall, it was a great weekend!  A few things we learned from our weekend: the baby and 2 dogs are too much work (the girls will probably have to stay home next time), we don't sleep well with Avery in the same room as us (it's ok for a couple of nights, but I'm glad she has her own room on the other side of the house), and I need to pack more than 1 outfit per day for myself (Avery is becoming a projectile spit-upper, with great capacity).  So we learned a few things and the next time we go to Topeka we'll be a bit more prepared.  ;)

Mama came over yesterday and her, Avery, and I went Christmas shopping.  It was fun getting out of the house for a while and being out and about.  We talked about some Christmas present ideas, but I think I'll do a lot of my shopping on the day after Thanksgiving.  I did buy a few things, including Avery's stocking!!  It's adorable!!!  I wanted something that would be good and classic through the years (nothing with 'Baby's First Christmas' on it).  I think I found a winner!  :)  Avery did STELLAR on our day out and about.  We were out for around 5 hours and she did great!  I fed her once and changed her once and that was all I had to do.  She rode in her carseat and we got to use her stroller too.  We went to Kohls, Kansas Sampler, Gordmans, Freddy's, the mall, and the bank!  She was getting worn out and hungry by the end of the trip, but she did so good and made it so long!  I was impressed!  Hopefully she's got some more stamina in her, because we've got another busy day ahead of us today.

Tonight is the first K-State basketball game.  I bought Michael season tickets for Christmas.  I wanted to go to tonight's game, but we didn't have anyone to watch Avery.  And while she's been good on trips out of the house, I'm not quite ready to take her to a loud basketball game yet.  So I told Michael he needed to find someone to go to the game with him.  He has been putting it off and putting it off.  Finally this morning he asked on facebook if anyone wanted to go to the game tonight.  After which, he got a text from Cathy saying she would babysit.  He said that was very nice, but it was going to be close to midnight when we got home.  She called him and explained that with Huricane Sandy going through and all of her family on the east coast, she wasn't sleeping much anyway.  Her only request was that she watch Avery at her house.  So I guess Michael and I will both be gearing up in our purple tonight and heading to the game.  It will be the longest time I've ever been away from Avery and the first time leaving her with anyone other than Michael.  It will be a bit of a nerve wrecking experience, but I know she'll be in good hands.  :)  It will be a late night, but at least I'll be able to sleep tomorrow.  Michael will need some energy drinks to keep him going at work tomorrow.  ;)

I think that's about all the news and new stuff going on with us.  Hope you all are well.  Check your mailbox if you haven't already!  Birth announcements should be arriving soon!  We love you!  Enjoy these new pictures of Avery and have a WONDERFUL day!   :D

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Traveling this weekend

Michael, Avery, and I will be going to Topeka this weekend.  :)  We're looking forward to seeing the family.  We're going to use this weekend as a test run for the weekend of Thanksgiving.  This weekend will be the first time we take Avery out of town, the first time we spend the night at someone else's house with her.  Should be interesting!  Looking forward to it.  :)

Speaking of Thanksgiving, here are our Thanksgiving plans so far:

Thursday - Lunch and Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Heorman and Grandma and Grandpa Counterman's houses (not sure what we're doing where yet, but I'm sure we'll get that figured out soon)

Friday - Black Friday shopping with Sis (the amount of shopping we do will depend on our wonderful hubbies and how long they'll want to take care of our sweet babies), Michael, Avery, and I will also head to Topeka at the end of the day Friday

Saturday - Thanksgiving with the Voss family at Glenn and Linda's house, possibly more shopping (again, depending on how my amazing hubby feels about watching our sweet baby girl)

Sunday - Heading back home from Topeka and enjoying my last day of Maternity leave before returning to work on Monday  :(

Can't believe Thanksgiving is coming up so soon.  Can't believe Avery is almost 3 weeks old already.  Life is moving so fast!  We are so incredibly in love with our sweet baby girl.  :)  Life is so good! 

To celebrate life being so good, here are more pictures of our adorable baby!!!!  :D

Monday, October 22, 2012

More Pictures!

We have taken pictures of Avery every day she's been alive.  :)  We're pretty smitten with her.  :)  Here are some pictures!  Enjoy!

4 Inserts

Our daughter went through 4 inserts in 1 diaper change!  Every time I put a new insert under her she pooped again!  I didn't realize so much poop could come out of a single baby!  She can't weigh 8 pounds anymore because she had to have pooped out at least half a pound!  Hahaha!  Oh the joys of motherhood!  :P

I realize that someday she's going to be old enough to see and read these stories.  She'll probably be mortified that I'm posting these stories on the internet for anyone to read.  That's ok.  ;)  I want to have record of all these fun memories.  :)

Love you, Avey Baby!  :D

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Newborn Photos!

Courtney got the newborn photos up on her blog!  Hooray!!!!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I'm not sure my beautiful daughter understands that I prefer to sleep in the night and early morning.  :P  She is not very condusive to the schedule I'm accustomed to.  ;)

But boy is she ever cute!!  :D  I guess I'm willing to give up a little sleep for such an angelic face.  ;)

She has all of my heart and doesn't even know it.  :)