Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Awake Again...

Middle of the night, got up to pee, my brain turned on, and here I am blogging at 5:15am again because I can't turn it off.  I suppose this is ok, because I only have a couple more days like this, and then I'm sure I'll take advantage of all my sleep time after the baby gets here.  ;)

Here's what happened yesterday at the doctor's appointment...  I hadn't dilated or effaced much more, up to 3.5cm and 80% effaced.  I told my doctor I was ready to be done.  He stripped my membranes again (didn't work last week, but I guess we might as well give it another shot).  Last week in my blood work my platelets dipped down to 98,000.  (Remember, they SHOULD BE between 150,000 and 400,000)  This was the first time the whole pregnancy that they got below 100.  So, that being noted, a few things changed. 
1- I can't go to the Birthcare Center with a platelet count below 100 because I could end up bleeding out (platelets cause your blood to clot).  I will end up delivering at the hospital instead.
2- My doctor was ok with inducing anytime because of the platelet level and because I'm so close to my due date.
3 - My doctor decided that it might be for the best to go ahead and induce as soon as possible as opposed to letting my platelets drop any farther, putting me more at risk for needing an emergency c-section under general anesthesia.
So, all that being said, we are going to be hearing from the hospital today to plan our induction.  :)  There is little to no chance that we'll be scheduled for today (Wednesday) just because it's too short of notice and the hospital is probably already at capacity on their daily inductions.  What is more likely is that they will schedule us for sometime on Thursday, or Friday at the latest.  :)  This means that by this weekend Michael and I will be parents of a beautiful baby girl and we'll be on our way back home!  :D

We were overjoyed yesterday at the doctor when we heard the news that she would be here no later than Friday!  I could still have gone into labor last night or today, but due to the low platelet count, the Birthcare Center was still off the table.  Since we're going to be induced with our first, we have to be at the hospital anyway.  They will induce you at the Birthcare Center if it's not your first baby, but before that, it's safer for mom and baby at the hospital in case there are any complications with the induction.  I don't even care where I have her anymore.  I just want her here and healthy.  :)  I'm VERY excited that we won't have to wait any farther than our due date.  :)  Everything is falling into place!

Michael and I have been truly blessed with a very healthy pregnancy.  :)  The platelets have been a bit of an issue here at the end, but as they have not yet combined with any other symptom (until yesterday with a slightly elevated blood pressure) their complications have been fairly small.  It has been a wonderful 9 months!  :)  We are sooooo excited to meet our baby girl, FINALLY!!!!!  She has been long awaited and anxiously anticipated!  I'm sure people are excited for her to get here so that they can learn her name.  :)  It's been hard keeping it a secret for so long.  It's slipped a couple times and a few people have been lucky enough to catch it.  But she'll be here soon and then the secret's out.  :)  I just can't believe I'm going to be a Mommy by Friday.  It completely blows my mind.  I am very excited for our little girl, but also nervous about the delivery.  Now that it's got a definite time frame, it's becoming more real and a little more scary.  I'm just trying to relax in the idea that I will be getting an epidural.  ;)  I am so excited for this new life stage that Michael and I are going through together.  I could not have asked for a better man to share my life with, and to share this experience with.  So even though neither of us have any idea what we're doing, we'll be learning and figuring it out together.  :)  Michael is nervous about not knowing what to do to take care of her.  He seems to think that I have it all figured out and have all the answers, but I'm just as clueless as he is!  :P  But that's an advantage to having an amazing husband who is partnering with you to make and raise a family, we will be figuring it all out together.  And there's no place or person I'd rather be doing that with.  :)

Ok, enough with all the mushy stuff.  ;)  I'll keep you all informed about the induction and when it's scheduled for and such.  We would love to have visitors there in the hospital if you're comfortable with that and able.  :)  Otherwise, it sounds like we'll be having guests on and off through the weekend.  But next week is us time, so come early or you'll have to come late to meet our little lady.  :)  We LOVE you guys!!!  Very soon we'll be a family of 3!  Cannot wait!!!!!!  :D  Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!  :D

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