Monday, April 30, 2012

I miss you already

I am completely heartbroken that Michael won't be there at home when I get home tonight.  Even though I knew this trip was coming and I had ample time to prepare myself for the fact that he was leaving, it still hit me very hard as I had to say goodbye this morning.  I know that others go much longer stints without their spouses, and I consider myself lucky for getting so much time with him.  But this will be the longest amount of time in the nearly 3 years we've been married that we've been seperated, and in the middle of our first pregnancy none-the-less.  I didn't even manage to get out of the garage on my way to work before I starting sobbing uncontrollably.  It was aweful.  I cried all the way to work.  I just love Michael so much, and he does so much for me and has been my emotional support for over 5 years now, and not having him with me is killing me.  So if anyone knows of someone here in Wichita hiring mechanical engineers, please let us know, because him spending every 2 weeks in Minnesota is not going to fly for too long.  Please pray for us as Michael begins searching for jobs again.  And, God willing, hopefully he will be able to find something that will keep him local.

...pity party over for now...

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Because I don't post enough pictures here (plenty on facebook, though) of our life.  :P

New curtain rod so we could finally hang the curtains in our bedroom, now we don't have to wake up with the sun.  :P

A little decorating in the breakfast nook.  I love the view.

Baby poking out at 17 weeks.  :)

The flower bed is blooming and beautiful!  Mark did a great job with the landscaping!!

We went to the zoo and the animals were all up close and personal.  It was fun having a day with Michael.  We also found a drawing of him doing sign language on one of the displays.  :P

Nursery is coming along.  More has been done since this picture was taken, but I'm too lazy to get up and go take another one.  ;)

My jacuzzi tub is one of my favorite features of our new house.

Michael and Gabby cuddling.

Not as much baby bump at 15 weeks, but there's a little something there.  ;)

The new nephew.  :)  Dayton James Roths.

Sunday Rambles

Well, the exciting news is that I think I'm beginning to feel the baby move inside of me!  The hard part is that I've never felt this before, so I'm not sure that what I'm feeling is what I think.  I'm thinking that by the time Michael gets back, she will be moving and I will know it.  Can't wait!

Michael leaves tomorrow for a 2 week trip to Minnesota.  Last time he left for Minnesota he only had to be gone for one week, but I think from now on (until he gets a project in Wichita or the baby is born) he'll be up there for 2 weeks, then home for 2 weeks, then back up for another 2.  Last time when he left I was basically working non-stop between the two jobs, so I wouldn't have had much time to see him anyway.  Since I'm still subbing, I'm sure I'll stay plenty busy while he's gone again.

I only have 11 school days left!  Pretty pumped!  This week on Monday the students aren't at school.  This gives me a chance to get copies made and grading done and prepare for the next couple of weeks.  On Friday the kids are going to the zoo (Lord, help!), so that won't be a regular teaching day either.  Then, I will have 1 more normal week of school.  At the end of that week Michael will be coming home, which will be very nice!  I will then have to work Monday the 14th of May, and that will be my last day with the kids.  I'm sure I will miss them, but right now I'm just trying to survive my last couple of weeks with them.  :P

Right after I get done with my long-term sub job, Michael and I will be finding out if we're having a boy or a girl!  Our sonogram is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15th at 8:30 in the morning.  :)  By then I will be up to 19 weeks and 4 days!  Almost halfway done!  Technically, we could have found out a week earlier, but since Michael was going to be gone in Minnesota, we pushed the appointment back a week.  There was no way he was going to miss this one!  We will have our regular monthly doctor's appointment after we finish with the ultrasound.  As far as I know, it should be a normal, quick, find the heartbeat, measure the belly, ask how you're feeling type of appointment.  But I've never done this before, so it might be time for some sort of testing in the lab.  We will just have to wait and see.

I am so very excited to see our little pumpkin!  It's going to be hard to go without seeing him or her for another 20 weeks until he or she decides to make an appearance!  But it will be exciting to see all the movement!  At our 10 week ultrasound she was kicking and waving, I can only imagine all the activity that she's doing right now!  So exciting!!!!

Another fun thing coming up in our lives is that our housewarming party is coming up in just a hair over a month!  Michael and I have A LOT of work to do on the house before it's ready to show off, but we're working on it (slowly, but surely, and Michael is working on it more than I am, as I work too much).  Don't forget to go to our baby website and rsvp to the event and tell us what kind of food you would like.  We'll make some food, hang out, listen to music, play some games (tailgate style games if it's not too hot outside), tour the house, and reveal the exciting news of whether our baby is a boy or a girl!  Cannot wait!!!!  There is so much exciting stuff going on here soon!  Life is definitely good!

Something else I'm pretty stoked about...  After I get done with my long-term subbing, I can completely open up my availability at work so that I will only have to work about 4 days/week to get my hours in!  That means I will have days off to spend with my hubby and my sister and brother-in-law and my nephew!  I will have days to really work hard on the house!  I will have days to assemble and perfect the look of the nursery!  I will have time to lay out in the hammock and let my big belly absorb all the sunshine.  :)  I'll have so much time on my hands!!  Woooohoooo!!!!

Finally, one more silly thing I'm excited for (although I will probably think of more before this post is over) is that summer is right around the corner!  And although I will not have my summer completely off like I have the last several years, it is ok.  This summer I plan to go garage saleing with my Mama to find all sorts of fun baby stuff for our baby and Dayton.  :)  This summer I plan to go out to the farm and fish and talk to our baby and tell her what fun she's going to have fishing with her Daddy and me when she arrives.  This summer I plan to get big and fat as my little baby grows inside of me.  This summer I plan to sit on my beautiful deck and watch the sun go down, drinking a big tall glass of lemonade (wishing I could have a nice glass of wine).  ;)  I cannot wait for this summer!

And at the end of the summer, the event I look forward to every year!!  TUGFEST!!!!  At the beginning of August, Michael and I will be going to LeClaire, Iowa (as we have for the past 5 summers) to see Michael's family at an impromptu family reunion and to celebrate Tugfest!  Tugfest is a big tug-of-war over the Mississippi River between Iowa and Illinois.  I believe each tug is 2-3 minutes long and there are 11 tugs to determine a state winner.  It is quite the event!  There is also a carival and plenty of bands.  I just love going and seeing all of Michael's wonderful family members that we only get to see once or twice a year.  Not to mention, it will probably be the last time the extended family will see us as a family of 2.  Because 2 short months later, our little one will have arrived!

As summer comes to a close and fall begins again, we will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little one.  Fall is truly my favorite time of the year.  I love the colors and the weather and the food and the games.  It's just the best time of the whole year.  That's why Michael and I planned to get pregnant when we did, so that our little one would be born in the middle of the most wonderful time of the year!  As if a baby weren't exciting enough, but to have a baby in the fall is just going to put me over the moon with happiness and excitement.  No dreary cold winter days, no teasing warmth of spring, no scorching heat of summer, our baby will be born in the fresh, crisp, cool months of fall, when the world turns bright and begins to sleep.  When football season is the best.  When soup, chili, and queso are staple foods every week.  I can't wait to have my perfect little fall baby.  :)

Well, this has gotten considerably long.  Obviously there are several things I'm excited about in the next 5-6 months.  :)  I am just loving life so very much right now.  God is good and has made this woman extremely happy to be in my life situation.  Thank you, Lord.  :)

I love you all dearly!  Remember to keep checking in here and on the baby website for life and baby updates.  We will keep you informed!  :D

Much Love,
Jen, Michael, and Baby Voss  :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Looking Forward

Looking forward to a quiet little life of 3.
Looking forward to quality time.
Looking forward to getting up after the sun has risen.
Looking forward to a little less stress.
Looking forward to teeny tiny laundry.
Looking forward to getting unplugged and focusing on us.
Looking forward to pushing a stroller through the zoo.
Looking forward to making my family the priority.
Looking forward to worrying less.
Looking forward to finishing work and having daylight left.
Looking forward to cooking again.
Looking forward to a bigger bump.
Looking forward to number two.
Looking forward to what the future may hold.

And loving where I am.

Monday, April 23, 2012

16 School Days Remaining!

I know it seems silly, but I am so excited and am counting down the days until I am done with this long-term sub job.  The kids are getting rowdy as the end of the year approaches, and very few of my management strategies are helping at this point.  I am just relieved that there are only a little over 3 weeks left.  16 school days.  22 days all together counting weekends.  Ready to have my life back and some time to myself and time with my hubby.  Can't wait.  The countdown's getting smaller every day!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day Off

I got an unexpected day off today.  I requested off from the jewelry store so that I could go to Douglas for the day and sell Pampered Chef.  But last night I got a text from the coordinator, a good friend of mine, saying she understood if I needed to bail.  She knows I'm pregnant and how many hours I've been working lately and also said she understands the pregnancy exhaustion.  So I took her up on the offer.  It wouldn't be hard work today, but it would be another long day away from home.  So now I have a whole Saturday off and nothing to do but spend time with my puppies, my baby, and my amazing husband.  :).  I am a happy camper.  Michael and I are going to try to get out and do some stuff together.  We've spent about 10 hours of actual awake time together in the last 5 days, so I'm looking forward to just spending time with him.  We're thinking the zoo and maybe some more work on the baby registry.  We will see how much energy I have today.  Thank you all for your prayers for me in my long work schedule.  It paid off and I am catching a break.  And a big thanks to Jenni for mentioning something to me.  I would have gone, had she not given me an out, which I appreciate so very much.  Happy Saturday to you all!  :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

All Work and No Play Makes Jen Terribly Sleepy

Today is Thursday...  I am on the downhill slope of the week.  This week I needed Saturday off from the jewelry store so I can go to a Girls Day Out convention and sell Pampered Chef.  So that meant my week was going to suck.  Sunday I worked 8 hours after being up late Saturday because of the storm.  Monday-Friday I worked(/will work) 8 hours at school, followed by 4 hours at the jewelry store.  Then Saturday I'm in Douglass selling Pampered Chef.  It's been/is going to be a long week.  But I will survive.  I always do.  And when the money starts coming in from this crazy work schedule, I will be thankful. 

I'm glad I'm in the second trimester of my pregnancy, for a number of reasons.  One, I worry less about problems like miscarriage.  Two, I have fewer of those less desirable symptoms (but still have a one in particular, nausiated in the morning).  Three, I have more energy, which is great, because there is no way I would survive 2 jobs and 70+ hours/week if I were still in the first trimester.  Four, the bump is starting to come in.  :)  So far I've been very nice to people about touching my stomach, but know that if you put your hands on me without asking, you might get a very rude response.  :)  But I will try to behave myself.  ;)

Michael is home again (has been for a week tomorrow), which is wonderful!  I wish I got to see him more.  But it will all be worth is for the extra money we can put towards the baby and the fence and the house and the bills.  He's been working hard on cleaning up the apartment so that we can turn it over and maybe not have to pay rent for May!  :)  He's the greatest.  Read previous posts it see me gush about what a wonderful and perfect man he is.  :)  Love him.

Kids are nuts, but what else is new?  ;)  I am surviving.  ;)  But keep praying for me anyway, I appreciate it.  :D

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Daily Ramblings: Sunday

Well, today was kind of a stinky day at work.  No sales, or none to speak of anyway.  Glad I sold a Levian yesterday, makes today not so bad.  Hopefully having a customer tomorrow come in and upgrade his fiance's ring.  That should be another good sale.  The ups and downs of a sales associate...

Michael cleaned the kitchen up for me today while I was at work.  It looks so much better now.  It was nice to come home to that.  He's so good to me.  :)  He's been working hard on the yard and house and everything since he got back from Minnesota.  It's a good thing, too, because I have been no help with my schedule.  I love him something fierce!  He definitely takes care of me.  Don't know where I'd be without him.  :)

I want to mention again how much I LOVE our new house.  It is absolutely amazing.  I cannot get over how great it is.  We are still working on getting everything put in it's place, but things are coming together nicely.  We have so much space!  The puppies love running around and chasing each other.  :P  We are down to only 1 bedroom that's really empty.  We have managed to fill (or at least put a few things) in all of the other rooms.  Upstairs we have our room, the nursery, and a guest room (sorry, only a twin bed, couples will have to get very cozy!).  Downstairs we have the office and an extra room that will eventually be another guest room, but is currently empty.  The closet in that extra room was our storm shelter last night.  I prefer a closet to a bathroom, feels a little more inviting.  ;)  Don't forget to mark your calendars for June 2nd, when Michael and I will be having our housewarming party and big reveal of our house!  We will make sure it's clean and everything!  Please join us!  More details to come.  :)

Our baby has been much nicer to me since we hit the second trimester (for the most part).  She (we don't know what we're having yet, but I'm not calling my baby an it, so until we know otherwise, I'm refering to her as a girl) is only making me slightly nausiated in the morning when I have no food in my stomach.  For those that don't know, the morning sickness caused me to lose 5 pounds in the first couple of months.  Since then I have stayed down those 5 pounds and not fluctuated much.  Well, I am proud to say that I am consistantly stepping on the scale and keeping about a pound and a half on!  Hoooray!  So now, at 15 weeks, 2 days, I am only 3.5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight.  You wouldn't know it by looking at me, though.  :P  My belly is rounding out quite a decent amount.  I feel like I hold it in pretty well, but late in the day I get lazy and don't hold it in as well.  My stomach is getting firmer, but is not completely to the cool baby belly stage yet...  Hopefully soon.  ;)  May 15th is our next appointment and the day we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl!  We are pumped!  Only a little over 4 weeks away!  :D

My schedule for the week truly stinks, please pray for my stamina, patience, and feet.  On second thought...  When you pray for patience, God gives you opportunities to be patient...  So please pray for my happy teacher voice, and that I get an opportunity to use it.  ;)  Monday-Friday I leave home at 8 to teach 8:50-4:10, I leave school at 4:30 to go to the jewelry store and work 5:00-9:30, then I come home, eat, and sleep.  Saturday I requested the day off, but have to go to Douglass for a girls day out event where I will be selling Pampered Chef.  I'm afraid I'll be too tired to really sell well.  I hope the products just speak for themselves, and that people feel sorry for the poor pregnant girl.  :P  Might have to play that up...  ;)

Well, I think I'm done for the time being.  Love you all and hope all is well.  Michael, the puppies, and I send our love your way.  :)  Until next time, Au Revoir!  :D


Hey friends,
Wanted to let you all know that Michael and I are safe after last night's storm.  It got very close to us, we actually had to hunker down in the closet in the basement.  Things within 2 city blocks of us are damaged or destroyed.  Thankfully, all of the family was spared during that crazy storm.  When the radio started mentioning Kellogg and Greenwich, which is where we tell people we live, we knew it was close, and sought shelter.  We had some friends from the area here with us who live in apartments, but don't have shelters.  Turns out our apartment complex got hit, but not the building we were living in.  Scary stuff.  We are thankful to have had the house and the basement.  Our power was out for about half of the night, but is back on now.  I worried a little in the middle of the night when the big thunderstorm hit, but Michael checked and assured me there was no tornadic activity.  Just a long and stressful evening.  Love you all, thank you for your concerns last night.  Glad all is well now.  Will try to get out and get some pictures today to show you what the neighborhood and the next few blocks around us look like.  Please pray for those who were not as lucky as we were last night.  I know a lot of people lost homes or incured damage.  Praise the Lord, we were spared.  Love you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Self Sacrificing Love

I have seen so much of the character of my husband this week while he's been in Minnesota.  I have missed him terribly, but I know he's doing what's right for our family, what he needs to do to provide.  Michael didn't want to go to Minnesota.  But he knew it's what he had to do to take care of me, our baby, our puppies, our new life in our new home.  Michael has sacrificed his happiness and even time with his family in order to provide.  I think it takes a big man to do something like that.  It's easy to say I love you, but I think many men only say it, and few show what true love really looks like.  My husband is a truly magnificent man.  He tells me and shows me that he loves me.  He guides me and cares for me.  He is going to make the most amazing father this world has ever seen.  Michael shows me every day the way a woman should be loved.  He makes me feel special and important.  He never demeans me or says an ill word to me.  (I feel like I'm sounding like a spoiled child right now, but really, I'm just raving about the amazing man that God carefully molded to fit perfectly into my life.)  Michael will be an amazing father to a son.  He will teach our son to respect women and how to treat them appropriately.  He will show by doing, how to love unconditionally and sacrificially.  Michael has so much he could pass on to a son, and the world would be a better place if more people used his example and applied it to their own lives.  Michael will be an amazing father to a baby girl.  He will show her how a woman deserves to be loved.  He will give her hope that there are good men out there who will respect her, love her, and care for her.  He will teach her that she does not have to settle for someone who just seems to be good enough, but deserves the best man who will bring out the best in her.  My husband is truly the love of my life.  There is no greater man out there, than my husband.  Michael is one of the few true men who exist in this world.  Our honeymoon phase is not over yet, and will not be for some time.  Life is difficult, but marriage is easy.  I have never had to "work at it" in my marriage.  There nothing to work on.  We love each other, we treat each other with respect.  We talk and don't yell.  We consult each other.  We help each other (he usually helps more than I do, but again with the the self sacrificing love...).  We don't talk down to each other, and we don't argue in front of others, because there is nothing that needs to be said right now, that can't wait for the quiet and safety of a private conversation.  There is nothing that the two of us can't get through.  I wish everyone could have what we have, but I see that isn't the way everyone else has it.  I feel sorry for those people, because they are missing the most wonderful experience of their lives.  I love you, Michael, so very much.  I would not be the woman I am today without your gentle and loving prodding.  :)  I cannot thank you enough for the incredible man that you are.  Thank you for your sacrifices to meet the needs of your family, no matter the inconveniences you face.  You mean the world to me.

Basically....  My husband is great, and I love him.  :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 1: I Will Survive

For those of you that don't know, here's the short and sweet story of Michael's departure:

Michael's company ran out of work for him to do.  Since he is still an hourly contract worker, they were not obligated to keep paying him if they didn't have work.  He missed a total of 6 days of work and pay, which is around $1200 before taxes.  Well, they found some work for him, but it's in Minnesota.  While he hates the idea of traveling and being away from me, especially with the baby on the way, we need the money.  So he will be gone the next week for training in Minnesota.  He will then trade off 2 weeks shifts with another guy from Wichita.  Please pray.

Now that the back story is out of the way....  I thought I did pretty good today, not crying at all as I left for work, knowing I wouldn't see my amazing hubby again for 5 long days.  I will be staying very busy between school and the jewelry store this week.  And by the time I have a moment to relax and think about missing him, he will be home.  :)  Can't wait! 

My anthem for the day:  I Will Survive!  :D

Miss you, Honey.  :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Last night I had a crazy dream.  Michael and I were vacationing in Paris.  We went to the Eiffel Tower, only to find that they had built a roller coaster into the bottom, ground floor, so that you could no longer walk underneath the Eiffel Tower.  I was appauled!  I even cried in my dream that someone had taken this beautiful symbol of Paris and destroyed it with a stupid roller coaster for tourists.  I asked someone if the roller coaster ran at night, hoping the evening would be a better time to see the tower in all it's glory, but, alas, they said the coaster ran all day and night.  :(  We also went to the Arc de Triumph, but they had built buildings all the way around it, so when you reached the top, you could no longer see any of the beautiful Parisian landmarks, but only tall buildings all around.  They had even removed the tomb and fire from the unknown solder from underneath the arc.  I was shocked and saddened by all the changes that had taken place!  I think the dream was too depressing, so I woke myself up before we made it to Notre Dame.  No telling what they'd done to it.  I hope the next time Michael and I take a trip to Paris, I find it just the way I left it.  :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

14 weeks!

Hello there, friends!  Here's a short update on everything that's been happening in our lives lately, baby and non-baby items all included:

We moved into our house!  It is beautiful!  I have taken a few pictures, but am waiting for everything to be unpacked and cleaned up before I take tons and post them all.  The jacuzzi tub is awesome!  We have tons of space in the living room in the basement and the girls LOVE all the extra room to run around.  We haven't got the fence yet, as we've run into some financial issues, that update coming next, so when they are outside, they are on leads.  They do enjoy being out in the sunshine though.  :)  The house is perfect.  Can't wait to get the crib and changing table over and begin decorating the nursery!

We would like to ask for your prayers with our financial situation right now.  As soon as we moved into the house, Michael got word that they no longer had any work for him, and that he would need to take a couple days off without pay.  The first couple of days were ok, as we were packing, closing, and moving into the house.  But now we're up to 6 day, which is a huge chunk of our income.  His employers claim that they will have work for him again on Monday, and are supposed to be calling him today with the details.  Please pray that all goes well and that he's back to work soon.

Dayton James Roths made his way into the world on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012.  :)  His delivery was just as easy as his incubation.  Sis did great and her and Adam now have a perfect and wonderful baby boy.  He was born at 1:35pm after only 8 hours of labor and 10 minutes of pushing.  He weighed a healthy 7 pounds and 11 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long.  He also has a head full of dark hair.  He's an absolute angel.  We saw the happy family and passed Dayton around, only hours after he was born.  I haven't seen him since, as I want to give the new family quiet time to themselves and time to adjust to the new lifestyle.  I am hoping to see him on Saturday for my birthday if Sis and Adam are up for it.  And if I get the approval, I will post pictures just as soon as I can.  :)

With the arrival of Dayton comes the end of my free time.  I am now subbing 40 hours a week in Sis' 1st grade class, as well as working 30+ hours a week at Belden's in order to maintain my full-time status and my insurance.  It is going to be a long and rough 6 weeks, but I will survive.  The two jobs actually came at a really good time, as Michael is not working currently.  I hope the small amount that I am able to bring in will help cover some of those larger expenses that we are anticipating.  The first day of working both jobs was fine, tiring, but fine.  The second day I only worked at school.  The kids were terrors, and my pregnancy hormones weren't helping me out any.  Hoping that the management side of the class comes easier soon, so I don't end up crying in front of her students.  As a sub, crying means you're toast, you cannot show weakness.  Today is Good Friday, so no school, only 8 hours of work at the jewelry store.  Then I have both Saturday and Sunday off for my birthday and Easter!!!  Hoooray!!!  I have already started my school countdown until Sis comes back.  Counting today there are 3 school days down and 27 school days to go.  Wish me luck, and please keep praying!!

In baby news, Michael and I hit the 14 week mark today!  Hooray!!  Lately since we've entered the second trimester, things have been tons better.  The morning sickness is settling down, and I've got more energy, which I will definitely need with a class full of 1st graders!  I also feel like eating more often, which is always a good thing for me and for the baby.  I'm not sure how many of you have read our baby website, but I was pretty sick early on with morning sickness.  I ended up losing about 5 pounds.  Well, since that time, I have continued to stay 5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight.  Most of this is probably from eating smaller portions because I can't seem to handle large portions anymore, and by the middle of a meal, the food begins to look gross and taste bad and I don't want anymore.  I'm still at the same place weight-wise.  We have our next doctor appointment on Monday morning, I'm hoping the weight thing is ok, and that it will start picking up soon.  Even though the weight isn't going on, the roundness is coming in.  As the baby grows and pushes all my innerds up, they are slowly beginning to poke out my belly.  It must be more obvious than I think it is, because I had 2 people on Wednesday ask if I was pregnant.  Now, most people know, that you just never ever ask a woman that question, so, in their defense, one was an autistic 1st grade student, and the other was a man from Israel who works at the mall with me, and it may just not be a faux pa (sp) in his country to ask that.  :P  14 weeks still seems early to me, and I think I will stop worrying so much when we hit about 20 weeks.  Only 4 more weeks until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!  And only a few more days until I heart the beautiful heartbeat again.  :D

That's about all that's going on right now.  Sorry the update got so lengthy.  I will try to keep it shorter next time.  Love you all!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Wow!  That went fast!  She didn't even have to push for a half hour!  Dayton James Roths is here and we could not be more excited!  We have not yet got to go back and see him or Sis.  We don't have an exact time, weight, or length yet, but he is here.  Mommy and baby are doing well.  More info to come!  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!  I'll get pictures up as soon as Sis and Adam give the approval!  :D.  Stay tuned!

Nephew Alert 2.0

Well, things progressed pretty quickly around here!  Sis was progressing at a pace of about 1cm/2hrs from 5:30 to 11:00.  At noon she was at about 4cm.  We were going to wait until 5cm to go to the hospital.  But I got a call from Adam at about 12:25 saying we needed to get down to the hospital because she was up to 9.5cm!  Michael, Mama, and I rushed to the hospital!  I was worried she'd have the baby before we got there!  She started pushing around 1:30ish, and now we're just waiting.  I'll update you again, probably to tell you that I have a new nephew!  :D.  Stay tuned!

Nephew Alert 1.0

Sis and Adam are at the hospital.  They have induced her and she is contracting nicely.  She reports that the contractions only feel like pressure, and that nothing is hurting right now.  This is great news!  Hopefully the delivery goes as smoothly as the pregnancy has gone.  The family will be called when Sis is about halfway there...  Now we just wait.  Can't wait to meet little Dayton for the first time.  We have long anticipated this day.  Stay tuned for more nephew arrival news!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Well, the news is out!  Michael and I are pregnant and expecting our first little one on October 5th!  We are very excited!  It has been a long 13 weeks keeping this a secret.  Several people knew beforehand.  Some, because they were family and deserved to know first, others, because I'm a bad secret keeper and spilled the beans.  :P.  Tomorrow begins my second trimester, and I must say, I am thrilled to be done with the first.  The morning sickness hit me pretty bad, but I have survived.  It doesn't seem to be completely over, but definitely getting close.  Michael and I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we begin this exciting new step in our lives and transition into our new rolls of parents.  We love you very much and will keep you updated all along the way!  Don't forget to check out our baby website to see how the baby and I are growing and to see exciting things like sonogram pictures and movies of our little pumpkin moving around in there.  Love you!