Well, the exciting news is that I think I'm beginning to feel the baby move inside of me! The hard part is that I've never felt this before, so I'm not sure that what I'm feeling is what I think. I'm thinking that by the time Michael gets back, she will be moving and I will know it. Can't wait!
Michael leaves tomorrow for a 2 week trip to Minnesota. Last time he left for Minnesota he only had to be gone for one week, but I think from now on (until he gets a project in Wichita or the baby is born) he'll be up there for 2 weeks, then home for 2 weeks, then back up for another 2. Last time when he left I was basically working non-stop between the two jobs, so I wouldn't have had much time to see him anyway. Since I'm still subbing, I'm sure I'll stay plenty busy while he's gone again.
I only have 11 school days left! Pretty pumped! This week on Monday the students aren't at school. This gives me a chance to get copies made and grading done and prepare for the next couple of weeks. On Friday the kids are going to the zoo (Lord, help!), so that won't be a regular teaching day either. Then, I will have 1 more normal week of school. At the end of that week Michael will be coming home, which will be very nice! I will then have to work Monday the 14th of May, and that will be my last day with the kids. I'm sure I will miss them, but right now I'm just trying to survive my last couple of weeks with them. :P
Right after I get done with my long-term sub job, Michael and I will be finding out if we're having a boy or a girl! Our sonogram is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15th at 8:30 in the morning. :) By then I will be up to 19 weeks and 4 days! Almost halfway done! Technically, we could have found out a week earlier, but since Michael was going to be gone in Minnesota, we pushed the appointment back a week. There was no way he was going to miss this one! We will have our regular monthly doctor's appointment after we finish with the ultrasound. As far as I know, it should be a normal, quick, find the heartbeat, measure the belly, ask how you're feeling type of appointment. But I've never done this before, so it might be time for some sort of testing in the lab. We will just have to wait and see.
I am so very excited to see our little pumpkin! It's going to be hard to go without seeing him or her for another 20 weeks until he or she decides to make an appearance! But it will be exciting to see all the movement! At our 10 week ultrasound she was kicking and waving, I can only imagine all the activity that she's doing right now! So exciting!!!!
Another fun thing coming up in our lives is that our housewarming party is coming up in just a hair over a month! Michael and I have A LOT of work to do on the house before it's ready to show off, but we're working on it (slowly, but surely, and Michael is working on it more than I am, as I work too much). Don't forget to go to our baby website and rsvp to the event and tell us what kind of food you would like. We'll make some food, hang out, listen to music, play some games (tailgate style games if it's not too hot outside), tour the house, and reveal the exciting news of whether our baby is a boy or a girl! Cannot wait!!!! There is so much exciting stuff going on here soon! Life is definitely good!
Something else I'm pretty stoked about... After I get done with my long-term subbing, I can completely open up my availability at work so that I will only have to work about 4 days/week to get my hours in! That means I will have days off to spend with my hubby and my sister and brother-in-law and my nephew! I will have days to really work hard on the house! I will have days to assemble and perfect the look of the nursery! I will have time to lay out in the hammock and let my big belly absorb all the sunshine. :) I'll have so much time on my hands!! Woooohoooo!!!!
Finally, one more silly thing I'm excited for (although I will probably think of more before this post is over) is that summer is right around the corner! And although I will not have my summer completely off like I have the last several years, it is ok. This summer I plan to go garage saleing with my Mama to find all sorts of fun baby stuff for our baby and Dayton. :) This summer I plan to go out to the farm and fish and talk to our baby and tell her what fun she's going to have fishing with her Daddy and me when she arrives. This summer I plan to get big and fat as my little baby grows inside of me. This summer I plan to sit on my beautiful deck and watch the sun go down, drinking a big tall glass of lemonade (wishing I could have a nice glass of wine). ;) I cannot wait for this summer!
And at the end of the summer, the event I look forward to every year!! TUGFEST!!!! At the beginning of August, Michael and I will be going to LeClaire, Iowa (as we have for the past 5 summers) to see Michael's family at an impromptu family reunion and to celebrate Tugfest! Tugfest is a big tug-of-war over the Mississippi River between Iowa and Illinois. I believe each tug is 2-3 minutes long and there are 11 tugs to determine a state winner. It is quite the event! There is also a carival and plenty of bands. I just love going and seeing all of Michael's wonderful family members that we only get to see once or twice a year. Not to mention, it will probably be the last time the extended family will see us as a family of 2. Because 2 short months later, our little one will have arrived!
As summer comes to a close and fall begins again, we will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little one. Fall is truly my favorite time of the year. I love the colors and the weather and the food and the games. It's just the best time of the whole year. That's why Michael and I planned to get pregnant when we did, so that our little one would be born in the middle of the most wonderful time of the year! As if a baby weren't exciting enough, but to have a baby in the fall is just going to put me over the moon with happiness and excitement. No dreary cold winter days, no teasing warmth of spring, no scorching heat of summer, our baby will be born in the fresh, crisp, cool months of fall, when the world turns bright and begins to sleep. When football season is the best. When soup, chili, and queso are staple foods every week. I can't wait to have my perfect little fall baby. :)
Well, this has gotten considerably long. Obviously there are several things I'm excited about in the next 5-6 months. :) I am just loving life so very much right now. God is good and has made this woman extremely happy to be in my life situation. Thank you, Lord. :)
I love you all dearly! Remember to keep checking in here and on the baby website for life and baby updates. We will keep you informed! :D
Much Love,
Jen, Michael, and Baby Voss :)
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