Friday, August 29, 2014

Fall is Coming!!!!!!

Started this a few days ago, but never got around to posting it.  Going to add a few more things and post today.  ;)

For those of you who don't know, Fall is my absolute FAVORITE season!!  It has all the best things.  My favorite time of the year is Oct. 1-Jan. 1.  I know this includes some winter too, but it also incompasses all the great holidays and just enough winter to enjoy, but not so much that I get sick of it, lol.  Fall is the best because it's when football season starts and the majority of it is played, it's when I break out the crock pot a lot and make good hearty meals (and in turn put on some winter weight, lol), it's hoodie weather when the crisp autumn days arrive and the sky turns gloomy, you'll also need your hoodies for those friday night football games (which I'm going to try to attend at least one or two this season, at one high school or another, lol, makes no difference to me), it's leaves turning red, brown, and gold and falling off the trees, it's coffee out on the deck in the morning in your pj's, it's leaving the windows open at night and wanting to stay snuggled warm in bed as opposed to getting up, all the most wonderful things are in the fall.  :)

Michael has totally been kicking my butt in blogging lately.  :P  I'm glad he's putting stories on here again, and when we look back, it won't be just my memories and point of view.

Feeling very happy and thankful this morning as each morning feels distinctly more fall.  :)  I'm so glad we have this big, beautiful home to live in and raise our kids in.  We've been blessed to live here for 2.5 years nows.  I'm thankful for my sweet daughter who wakes up so happy.  And although she's got a little terrible two streak she's going through right now, she still remembers her pleases and thank yous.  I'm thankful for my handsome baby boy.  I didn't know what I was missing until he came into our lives, but I'm so incredibly happy that we chose to have another baby.  He gives me happiness when the rest of world can seem very chaotic.  I'm so blessed by my husband and best friend, Michael.  He goes to work each day and provides for our family so I can stay home with our kiddos.  Then, he comes home and watches Avery so I can have a short break.  He's truly my partner in life.  I love him so dearly.  Finally, I'm thankful, once again, for fall coming.  I love these cool mornings, sitting on my couch drinking coffee.  Looking forward to a wonderful new season of life.  :)  So blessed.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Favorite Words

Avery is very close to full on talking. She expresses complete thoughts, and most of her words are relatively clear. Not that long ago though, she wasn't speaking quite clear and I have two favorite words from her.

I would pick Avery up, and while doing so, I'd say "Scoop!" and she'll repeat "Spoot!" which is just absolutely adorable.

My other favorite is whenever we do her hair, we use the little rubber band things that we call "ponytails or ponies" because it's easier than saying "little rubber band things". Well if she sees those rubber bands lying around, she'll call them by name, but instead of ponies, it's "po-tees". Again, just absolutely adorable.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Brown-Eyed Babies

I decided I post too much on facebook.  So instead of posting a facebook status every ten minutes, when I think of something I want to say, I'm going to try to post on here more frequently.  :)

Both of my babies' eyes are turning brown.  :\  I'm kinda sad about this.  Avery's eyes didn't start turning brown until she was about a year old.  Connor's only 3 months, and his are already turning!  Where did my blue-eyed babies go?!?!

Garage Sale!!

Well, I felt like I needed to blog again, because Michael has been blogging and I've been slacking, lol.  Michael doesn't blog much, and I made a comment about it one day, and since then he's tried harder and has post twice recently.  :)  Maybe he can help me keep up and be more regular on the blog front and the goings-on in the family.  ;)

I'm on here today to talk about the garage sale that Mama, Sis, and I are having this weekend!  We had one last year and it went pretty well (with the exception of it being tremendously hot).  So we decided to purge our homes again and give it another try.  :)  So we're having a garage sale this Thursday-Saturday.  We'll also have another one the weekend of September 11-13th where we'll sell anything we have left and get rid of the rest to the Goodwill.  The weekend in September is the weekend of our community garage sale, so we'll figure we'll have more traffic that weekend.  Sis has been scouring pinterest for ideas on how to have a successful garage sale.  :P  We'll see how it goes!  Wish us luck!  Last year Michael and I took the money we earned with us to Vegas.  This year our money is going towards our 6 year anniversary vacation (that we'll hopefully be able to afford despite plenty of medical bills).  So if you have any tips, feel free to pass them on!  And if you have any stuff you want to get rid of, bring it on over!  :D

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Excellent Food makes a Comeback

One of the things that Jen was not excited about while she was pregnant was cooking. She kept up with the house, chased the kids, kept track of the laundry, but by the time dinner rolled around, she was exhausted. That often meant that dinner was up to me, and I am (admittedly) not a great cook. That means that we had pasta, grilled cheese, more pasta, fast food, freezer meals, and hamburgers. 

Well with Jen's new surge of post-pregnancy energy, great food has come back to the Voss Household! We have enjoyed Ratatouille, Monster Muffins, Filipino Chicken, Homemade popcorn, Pho, 12 layered Jello, and Creme Brulee! And those are just some of the things that I've had in the last few weeks! 

Jen loves to cook, and it is exciting to try her new recipes and to see her enjoying herself. I can't wait to see what tasty food lie in my future!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Harry Potter Marathon

Jen and I have been going though a Harry Potter marathon lately. We have made it through the first 4 movies and are on the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire for you non book people :P ). I haven't watched the first two movies in quite a while because Jen watched them with her cousins a bunch when she was a kid, so we always skip to the third movie. It was good getting to see those again. At any rate, We were watching part of the Goblet of fire last night after a long car ride from Iowa and Voldemort says "Do you really want to know what happened all of those years ago? Well I will tell you!" And then Jen turns off the movie! I will have to wait to see what actually happened! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Baby Voss is Almost Here! 2.0

I typed and saved the first half of the story, but my app is glitchy at the moment, so I'm finishing the story here.  ;)

We'd just barely got on the road when we got the text from Nick that Maggie was up to 8cm!  Woohoo!!  Now that's some progress!  It was 5pm when we heard that new/got on the road.  I worried that we wouldn't make it in time and hoped the baby wouldn't arrive while we were on the road.  We still had 2.5 hrs to go.  Our ETA was 7:30.

The drive went by quietly and the kids did great.  At 7:15 I texted Nick to make sure everything was still going ok (and because Maggie had told me she was going to rest, so I wasn't going to disturb her).  He told me she was up to 8-9cm.  We were only 15 minutes away at this point and I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that we'd be there in time.  :)

It's now 7:22 and we're still on the road.  We have one more stop to make.  We're going to get Nick some food, because I'm not sure that he's eaten all day.  I asked him about food and got a text that I read to mean that he would like something to eat.  Poor guy, no one ever thinks about the husband.  :(  So food for Nick, and then to the hospital!  Baby Voss will be making his or her arrival very soon!  I'll keep you informed!  :)