Tuesday, September 6, 2016

My Day...

6:30am - Alarm goes off.  Started seeing it for earlier because I need to look decent to take Dayton to school.  My days off staying in my jammies until 2pm are over.  But Michael's in the bathroom and I don't want to be bumping into him, so I snooze.  Ironically, he's up at this time because I told him, not that long ago, that 7am was when I needed to be up and in the bathroom and he needed to be done by then or wait until after I was done.  I think I'll wait a bit longer before I tell him I changed the time.

6:40am - Michael comes and kisses me goodbye.  Every morning, like clockwork.  It's one of the many many things I love about him.  It also starts my day off right.  And, in this case, it signaled he was done in the bathroom and my snooze time was over.  Straighten my crazy hair, put on regular clothes and look sadly at my jammies on the floor, make a note to do laundry today.  Make fried eggs for breakfast.  Yum!  Connor wakes up and asks for food and a drink.  Get him milk.  Make the eggs he requests, but he's onto something else by that point, so the eggs get cold on the table.  Not enough energy to fight this fight.  Make coffee.  Tastes like fall, yum!

7:15am - Dayton and Delaney arrive.  Older kids go downstairs to watch cartons, Delaney status upstairs with me.  Clean Avery's room, clean Connor's room, clean the kids' bathroom.  Play on my phone.  Drink coffee after reheating only once!  Score!

8am - Get Avery and Connor dressed to take Dayton to school.  Put Delaney and Connor in the stroller.

8:25am - Walk Dayton (4), Avery (3), Connor (2), and Delaney (one week short of 1) to Dayton's school to drop off (0.6 miles).  Walk the younger 3 back home (0.6 miles).  Listen to Avery complain that she's tired (she has to walk the whole way).  Listen to Connor complain that he wants out of the stroller.  Take Connor out, allow Avery to get in.  Listen to Connor throw a fit 5 second after he got out of the stroller that he wants back in.  Keep walking.  Let Avery get out of the stroller to go get Connor because we can't leave him behind.  Let Connor get back in the stroller.  Thank Avery for letting her brother ride.  Encourage Avery to keep walking the rest of the way home.

9:15am - Get the kids drinks upon returning home.  Get Delaney a bottle and lay her down for a nap.  Unload dishwasher.  Clean living room.  Clean dining room.  Referee argument between Avery and Connor because Advert wanted to play King and Queen and Connor won't stop roaring like a dragon and Avery doesn't want to play dragons.  Begin picking up the kitchen.  Gather dishes from around the house and bring to the kitchen.  Gather laundry from around the house and sort.  Start laundry.

11:25am - Gather the kids back upstairs to go back to school to get Dayton.  Let Connor device ID we should take the stroller out the wagon, he picks the wagon.  Put ice water in 4 cups for all 4 kids.  Put Connor and Delaney in the wagon.  Listen to Connor fuss about pushing the button on the remote to close the garage door.  Foolishly suggest Advert ride her bike to the school.  Console Avery 3 times in the 0.6 miles when she falls.  Spend most of the walk pushing her up tiny hills.  Make a mental note to add bike helmet to her birthday present list.

11:50am - Get to the school, pick up Dayton.  Ask if he would like to ride Avery's bike home.  Quickly realize he's not had as much practice as her when I constantly have to turn the handle bars to keep him on the sidewalk and out of the grass.

11:53am - Draft the bike home myself while Avery and Dayton walk.  Make a mental note, after listening to lots of complaints about being tired, that 2.6 miles is too much for these kids and two walls in one day is being a glutton for punishment.

12:30pm - Get home, feed kids lunch, when they decide the like fish sticks, make a second dozen.  Get excited about a new food that they'll eat!  Play on my phone, sit on the couch, drink water, ask myself why I do this to myself.  Load the dishwasher.  Build a fortress at each entrance to the kitchen Delaney doesn't get in to "help" with the dishes.  Look fruitlessly for more dishes to fill it up so I can run a load.  Fail.  Make a note to remember that the dishwasher is half full with dirty dishes, and to finish filling it after dinner and don't let it sit for a week.  Forget I made said note.  Fill jar with homemade sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil.  Feel pretty proud of myself.

2:00pm - Nap time arrives because the Good Lord has mercy on Stay at Home Moms (and Dads).  Fix Connor's messed up blankets 3 times before suggesting he stay in his room 15 minutes before you come back to fix them again.  Tuck Avery in because she needs her bed "tight" to sleep good.  Envy Sis and Adam as Dayton walks to his room for his nap and Delaney falls asleep almost immediately after being laid in her pack and play.  Make more coffee.  Look up on Pinterest how to get bugs out of pinecones.  Bake pinecones.  Get on tablet to blog, let an hour of Baltimore go by with no housework done (or coffee drank).

3:00pm - Here we are...

Just a day in the life...  Albeit, I more productive day than most.  I should do some housework now, only an hour left until Naptime is over.  Thanks for giving me an excuse to sit and chill for a bit.  ;)  Back to the grind...

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Brownie Breakfast Bake

How about that Earthquake?!?!  I think everyone in the state of Kansas felt that one!  Here in Wichita we feel a lot more than my family in Towanda and Eldorado or friends on Manhattan, but it seems like everyone felt it this morning!  That was the roughest one I've ever felt!  I felt my first earthquake around this time of year 5 years ago shortly after we moved to Wichita.  I've felt several over the years, but still haven't gotten over how word out is to feel here in Kansas.  No, hydraulic fracking obviously has no serious ramifications...  I'm all for cheap gas, but at what cost?  What are we doing to our planet, guys?  I know we won't all be around to deal with it, but what kind of a mess are we leaving for our children to clean up?  Something to think about.  Maybe we should make those electric cars and renewable energy more of a priority.
*Tree Hugger Out*

Ok, onto breakfast.  ;)  That's why you're here, right?  Not to hear my opinions on the environment.  :P  So I had this recipe saved on my Pinterest board and was excited to try it this morning.  Who doesn't want chocolate brownies for breakfast?!  It turned out pretty good!  I didn't have quite enough chocolate chips because I have been slowly eating them out of the fridge for the last couple weeks, and Is probably add a little more maple syrup next time (remember, I use the sugar free kind, so 1/4 cup is 30 calories compared to 1 tbsp being 120 calories of the regular stuff), I also recommend you cook it until it's baked through, which will end up being more than 20 minutes, but this was a good recipe I'll definitely get out again!  If you're craving chocolate for breakfast I recommend you give this tasty treat a try!  Here's the link to the original recipe.  I think with a few modifications it will be amazing!  1 thumb up from me for now, but with lots of potential for next time.  ;)  I may try adding a little peanut butter next time too!  I think that would send this recipe through the roof!