Thursday, January 17, 2013

Family Yearbook

The past week I've been working on a yearbook for our family.  It goes through our year and hits all the highlights of the year.  There couldn't have been a better year to start!  2012 was a HUGE year for us!  What prompted me to do this was a $20 off coupon I received from Shutterfly.  For those who don't know, I made Michael a personalized Calendar for Christmas this year from Avery.  It's got pictures of us and our family.  It turned out AWESOME!  I've been very happy with Shutterfly, so I decided with my $20 off I'd make a family yearbook to chronicle our journey through 2012.  It was fun to make, but very time consuming!  And expecially difficult to finish during short baby nap times!  But I got it done!  Can't wait for it to come in so I can see how it turned out!  I know it will be a keepsake our family will cherish for many years!  For our 2013 family yearbook (because I plan on making one for every year from now on) I'm going to work on the pages one month at a time as the year goes by.  That way I'm not having to get it all done in a hurry at the end.  ;)  Should be fun!

As always, here are some pictures of the babies!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our new routine

I posted before about watching Dayton and Avery both now.  I wanted to elaborate on what life is like with 2 sweet babies to care for.  The first difference is that my house is not nearly as clean as it used to be.  :P  Now don't get me wrong, I still have time to clean, but not as much as I used to, and it's more focused in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and breakfast nook.  Those are the places I can walk to and still keep an eye on the babies.  The only times I'm really able to venture as far as our room or the basement is when both kiddos are sleeping, which is usually only 30-60 minutes in the afternoon.  Another different aspect of our lives now that we've added Dayton to our daily routine is that the babies are fascinated with one another!  Just yesterday Dayton was trying to help Avery put her pacifier in her mouth when she spit it out.  :)  However, him having the dexterity of a 9 month old, most of the time it ended up in her eye, on her forhead, or on her chest.  :P  He did, however, get it into her mouth a couple times.  :)  There is a video of him helping on facebook if you're interested.  Both babies love looking and interacting with one another.  They both smile and giggle.  Dayton reaches out to touch Avery (which I monitor closely to make sure he's gentle) and when he's close Avery will try to reach out and touch him too.  Yesterday I thought she was was going to roll over by grabbbing Dayton and holding onto him to hoist herself over.  ;)  Another way our routine has changed is that we're pretty well home-bound with both babies.  That's going to have to change, however, next month when I have to take Avery to a doctor's appointment.  To make matters even more interesting, Michael won't be home either at that point...  I may have to ask Mama to come along and help me.  It almost sounds like too much for just me to handle.  I'm sure there are other things I could talk about as far as how things are going with Dayton here, but that's all I can think of for the moment.  ;)  I'll attach some pictures of these cute kiddos for you all to enjoy!  Have an awesome Tuesday, everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dayton and Avery

Well, as many of you know, I am watching Dayton now instead of him going to Daycare.  This is saving Sis and Adam tons of money and is giving Michael and me a little extra as well.  :)  Things are going great!  Since Dayton is crawling now I have my hands full between the two of them.  I'm constantly running back and forth between feeding each of them, keeping Dayton out of things and off of Avery, and keeping Avery entertained and happy.  It's quite the job!  But we're having a great time!  Wish I could write more, but Dayton just woke up, so I'm off again.  :)  Happy New Year everyone!  :)