Well, today was kind of a stinky day at work. No sales, or none to speak of anyway. Glad I sold a Levian yesterday, makes today not so bad. Hopefully having a customer tomorrow come in and upgrade his fiance's ring. That should be another good sale. The ups and downs of a sales associate...
Michael cleaned the kitchen up for me today while I was at work. It looks so much better now. It was nice to come home to that. He's so good to me. :) He's been working hard on the yard and house and everything since he got back from Minnesota. It's a good thing, too, because I have been no help with my schedule. I love him something fierce! He definitely takes care of me. Don't know where I'd be without him. :)
I want to mention again how much I LOVE our new house. It is absolutely amazing. I cannot get over how great it is. We are still working on getting everything put in it's place, but things are coming together nicely. We have so much space! The puppies love running around and chasing each other. :P We are down to only 1 bedroom that's really empty. We have managed to fill (or at least put a few things) in all of the other rooms. Upstairs we have our room, the nursery, and a guest room (sorry, only a twin bed, couples will have to get very cozy!). Downstairs we have the office and an extra room that will eventually be another guest room, but is currently empty. The closet in that extra room was our storm shelter last night. I prefer a closet to a bathroom, feels a little more inviting. ;) Don't forget to mark your calendars for June 2nd, when Michael and I will be having our housewarming party and big reveal of our house! We will make sure it's clean and everything! Please join us! More details to come. :)
Our baby has been much nicer to me since we hit the second trimester (for the most part). She (we don't know what we're having yet, but I'm not calling my baby an it, so until we know otherwise, I'm refering to her as a girl) is only making me slightly nausiated in the morning when I have no food in my stomach. For those that don't know, the morning sickness caused me to lose 5 pounds in the first couple of months. Since then I have stayed down those 5 pounds and not fluctuated much. Well, I am proud to say that I am consistantly stepping on the scale and keeping about a pound and a half on! Hoooray! So now, at 15 weeks, 2 days, I am only 3.5 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, though. :P My belly is rounding out quite a decent amount. I feel like I hold it in pretty well, but late in the day I get lazy and don't hold it in as well. My stomach is getting firmer, but is not completely to the cool baby belly stage yet... Hopefully soon. ;) May 15th is our next appointment and the day we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl! We are pumped! Only a little over 4 weeks away! :D
My schedule for the week truly stinks, please pray for my stamina, patience, and feet. On second thought... When you pray for patience, God gives you opportunities to be patient... So please pray for my happy teacher voice, and that I get an opportunity to use it. ;) Monday-Friday I leave home at 8 to teach 8:50-4:10, I leave school at 4:30 to go to the jewelry store and work 5:00-9:30, then I come home, eat, and sleep. Saturday I requested the day off, but have to go to Douglass for a girls day out event where I will be selling Pampered Chef. I'm afraid I'll be too tired to really sell well. I hope the products just speak for themselves, and that people feel sorry for the poor pregnant girl. :P Might have to play that up... ;)
Well, I think I'm done for the time being. Love you all and hope all is well. Michael, the puppies, and I send our love your way. :) Until next time, Au Revoir! :D
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