Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Traveling this weekend

Michael, Avery, and I will be going to Topeka this weekend.  :)  We're looking forward to seeing the family.  We're going to use this weekend as a test run for the weekend of Thanksgiving.  This weekend will be the first time we take Avery out of town, the first time we spend the night at someone else's house with her.  Should be interesting!  Looking forward to it.  :)

Speaking of Thanksgiving, here are our Thanksgiving plans so far:

Thursday - Lunch and Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Heorman and Grandma and Grandpa Counterman's houses (not sure what we're doing where yet, but I'm sure we'll get that figured out soon)

Friday - Black Friday shopping with Sis (the amount of shopping we do will depend on our wonderful hubbies and how long they'll want to take care of our sweet babies), Michael, Avery, and I will also head to Topeka at the end of the day Friday

Saturday - Thanksgiving with the Voss family at Glenn and Linda's house, possibly more shopping (again, depending on how my amazing hubby feels about watching our sweet baby girl)

Sunday - Heading back home from Topeka and enjoying my last day of Maternity leave before returning to work on Monday  :(

Can't believe Thanksgiving is coming up so soon.  Can't believe Avery is almost 3 weeks old already.  Life is moving so fast!  We are so incredibly in love with our sweet baby girl.  :)  Life is so good! 

To celebrate life being so good, here are more pictures of our adorable baby!!!!  :D

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