Sunday, October 14, 2012

1 week down

Well, here's how our first week has gone with Avery.  :)

In the hospital she did really well, only waking up a couple times at night when the nurse came in to check on her.  This was good because Michael and I were VERY tired after having been up since early Thursday morning when my contractions started.

We brought her home and were very excited to finally have her here.  We got to use her crib and her swaddles.  We got to dress her.  We gave her baths.  And we started using the cloth diapers after a few days getting used to how to care for her.

The first couple nights she was up every 1-2 hours.  Leaving her with two very sleepy parents.  Then, Michael and I wised up and learned how to swaddle her properly, and her sleeping improved a lot.  She's now up to about 3 hours of sleep at a time before she wakes up and wants fed.  The first time on each of our shifts in the middle of the night isn't so bad, but having to get up more than once gets tough.  Looking forward to the time when she's sleeping through the night.

She went to the doctor twice this week.  Once for her initial appointment to check on how she was doing after coming home.  She had lost 7 ounces and remained 20 inches long.  By our visit on Friday she was back up 1 ounce and had grown 0.25 inches!  :D  We see the doctor again this coming Friday (and every Friday after that) until she gets back up to her birth weight.  But the doctor said she's looking good and healthy.

We went on a few outtings this week.  We took her to church on Sunday to show her off and also to my work to introduce her to the girls.  We took her to Michael's work on Thursday, as well as to a wedding.  :)  As long as she has a clean diaper and a full belly, she sleeps right through these trips.  She's doing great!

Michael has to go back to work tomorrow.  That's a bummer.  It's been really nice having him home to help with Avery.  He's been really great at helping me and making sure that her and I are both cared for.  He's absolutely wonderful.  :)  I love my amazing hubby.  I wouldn't survive without him.

I think that's been about all that's gone on this week.  It's been a crazy and tiring first week as a family of 3, but it's been fun.  We love Avery so very much and are looking forward to what the future holds for our sweet little family.  :)  Have a wonderful Sunday!

Much Love,
Michael, Jen, and Avery

PICTURES!!!!!!!  :D

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