Thursday, April 2, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 21

Today Connor practiced sight words in Play Dough.  He's had his sight words memorized since about the first quarter, but still good to practice periodically. 
Connor is learning about chickens this week.  Here are some of his chicken facts.  😊
Bike riding to check the mail.  Nothing yet today.
Avery found different kinds of trees for school today while we were on our walk.  Not sure what a couple of them are, so we're going to have to look them up.
I made more bread today.  I think the difference between this one and the one Avery and I made a couple days ago is less flour and different yeast.  This one looks much prettier!  But I'm being a mean mom and won't let anyone eat this one until the ugly one is gone, lol!
Some of my seedlings are doing really great!  I have about 1/3 of them that have sprouted so far.  If the others haven't sprouted by Saturday I'll plant more in each of those containers.  At least the soil will be nice and moist!

Other than these things, the kids and I slept in this morning.  I had a meeting that the student didn't show up to.  I have another meeting with the SPED Staff in 10 minutes, and the kids are almost completely done with their schoolwork for the day.  They've spent a lot of time playing together today.  I am, once again, so so happy that they play well together!  I bought some plants from Atwoods last Friday.  I put them out on the deck during the days to make sure they're ready to be outside once the boxes get built.  A couple days ago I noticed that the dogs had eaten almost all of my spinach plant.  😭😭😭  Today I caught Gabby climbing on the coffee table and eating my jalepeno plant!  😡😡  So they're banned from the upper deck for the foreseeable future. 

That's what's happening here.  Hope you're all doing well!  Love you!  ❤

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