Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Breakfast Egg Wraps Continued

Good morning, Friends!  I came back to follow up on the breakfast wraps I posted about yesterday.  I had one for breakfast this morning and Michael had one at well.  Here's what we thought...

When you eat the straps fresh, you'll be able to eat them as a handheld on your way to work or school.  You might have to watch the spinach that it doesn't fall out, but the wrap won't get soggy from the time you assemble it to the time you eat it.  The spinach will also be crisper.  You're also more likely to have cheese in every bite because you won't have reheated it and had it melt and distribute.

Like so many of my wraps, this one got a little soggy when I pulled it out of the fridge.  If you have time to heat your wrap in a skillet with some coconut oil, it would probably help.  I reheated mine in the microwave.  I found that after being in the fridge and reheating, this was a fork and plate kind of meal, no longer a handheld.  The spinach was wilted, which didn't bother me any.  The cheese melted and moved after being reheated, causing some boss to not have much cheese at all and some of the cheese spoiling out the ends of the wrap.  This may have worked better off I had folded down the ends of the wrap, but I didn't.

I give this recipe 1 thumb up.  I thought it was a little bland and the soggy wrap want add great for me.  I think I could improve this recipe significantly with additional toppings.  I also think a stronger flavored cheese like Cheddar or American would improve the flavor or this recipe.  Michael gave this recipe 2 thumbs up.  He's not as critical of my recipes as I am, as long as they aren't Chinese food.  ;)  He added ketchup to his wrap, he usually does any time I make eggs, and didn't think there was a problem with it being bland.  If only I liked ketchup.  :P  The good thing about this recipe is that is easy to customize to your tastes!  Next time I may try a flavored wrap, American cheese, more veggies, and adding some turkey.  I'm not ready to give up on this recipe yet.  Don't be surprised if you see another rendition of it on the future!  ;)  Have a great Wednesday, my friends!  Stay tuned later today for a revisit of the Roasted Chicken and Veggie Bowls and a review of how they turned out.  :)

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