Hey Guys, sorry I didn't get this written and posted last night. I went to sleep instead. But since I don't have a breakfast recipe to post this morning (leftover muffins), I figured I'd take some time now to explain how yesterday went.
Weight: 136.4 (Down 1.2 lbs, I told you, things fluctuate. You just have to keep persevering no matter what number the scale shows one day to the next.)
Water: 5 glasses (80 oz) - Target achieved again!
Activity: 1 hour on the WiiFit (30 minutes of training, 30 minutes of steps while I watched TV.)
My calves and abs are killing me today. Guess that reflects well on my activity yesterday. :\ As a girl who generally does no physical activity I am unaccustomed to this ache. I suppose if I keep this up I'll get used to it by the end of the month...
Healthy Breakfast: Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins and Coffee
No, the coffee isn't THAT healthy, especially once I add the creamer and sugar, but it tasted good with my muffins!
Lunch: Zucchini Pork Chop Skillet
I love all the leftovers of this! Soooo yummy! The onions are especially good!
Dinner: Steak Kabobs and Rice
I love the marinade on the steak! Will definitely have to scour my freezer for more leftover steak hiding in there! I always have peppers and onions on hand and usually (until yesterday, grr!) have rice on hand, so it's easy to whip this meal up in no time.
I also had 1/2 a glass of wine because my mom came by (after the moth fiasco) and took the kids out for dinner and ice cream and the house was quiet and relaxing for over an hour. It was glorious. I love my children, but a little peace and quiet is nice too.
And that's it, that was my day. I think it was a pretty good day, overall (health-goal wise). Stay tuned for my next post, I don't have any new recipes today, but I am going to talk about making smart choices when eating out, and how not to let a friend's invitation to go out for her birthday spoil your hard work. :) Happy Thursday, Friends! Have a rockin' day!
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