Weight: 136.4 (up 0.2 lbs)
I didn't figure I'd be up after eating so well at B-Dubs, but the scale fluctuates. I will not let it keep me from making good choices. I will not let it discourage me. So much of this is in your mindset, I will continue to choose to be positive.
Activity: None to speak of.
I did some light housecleaning, picking up, vacuuming, etc. I knew I was sore after several days of various activities and I didn't want to be wiped out before the wedding last night. So I gave myself a day off.
Water: 3 glasses (approximately 48 oz)
Didn't work very hard on getting my water done today. Took still got a bit though. Will have to do better today. I enjoyed a little more coffee than I planned on yesterday.
Healthy Breakfast: Blueberry Muffins and 1 Fried Egg
I decided I wanted a little protein with my breakfast this morning. It was delicious. I love fried eggs!
Lunch: Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
Had to eat on the run today, so I threw together a quick sandwich. Even spoiled myself with a couple drops of ranch. ;)
Dinner: Pizza, Cupcake, and Wine
OK, so dinner wasn't healthy. We went to a wedding and I just enjoyed myself. It's good to do that now and then. I had 3 small pieces of pizza, which was probably 360-450 calories; a cupcake, which was probably 120-200 calories; and a glass of wine, which was probably 120-200 calories. Overall, not the absolute best choices, but it probably could have been worse. And budget-wise, free food is always good! ;) (And, since I'm posting this the morning after, I've already done my weigh-in this morning and I am at the same weight, 136.4, so I guess I didn't do too bad!)
Michael and I had a great, child-free evening last night! Big shout out to my mom for babysitting (again)! That's 2 evenings in a row. We really appreciate it! Love you, Mama!
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