Thursday, August 4, 2016

August Health Goals - Day 5 Check-In

Here's how today went...

Weight: 136.2 (Down 0.2 lbs)
Not much, but still going down.  If I believe what my articles, magazines, and blogs tell me, muscle weighs more than fat, so this weight loss may slow a little as my body converts some of my flab into muscle.  We shall see.  I honestly don't care if the weight comes off slow as long as it keeps coming off.  So hopefully it will.  However, as long as I look and feel good, the number on the scale does not matter at all.  ;)
Water:  5 glasses (80 oz)
Activity:  Walked around Botanica with my mom and the kids for an hour in the heat and did a light 60 minute workout in the WiiFit
Healthy Breakfast:  Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins
So I read an article that said to start your daily metabolism off right, you should eat breakfast within an hour of waking up.  I usually try to do that, but this morning Avery and I had dentist appointments, so I waited until after 10 to eat breakfast (I get up at 7).  Not ideal, but I ate my healthy food, so I'm still calling it good.
Lunch: Zucchini Pork Chop Skillet
Tomorrow Michael agreed to eat this for lunch too, so it's almost gone.  Good to the last bite, though!  And it's been awesome not having to assemble lunch all week!  Ate lunch late too.  My mom and I took the kids to Botanica, so I didn't eat lunch until we got home and got the kids down for naps between 2 and 230.  Let me tell you, my stomach was rumbling!
Dinner: Naked Chicken Tenders w/ Asian Zing Sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings
If you haven't read my other blog from today yet, about eating healthy while eating out, go check it out.  If you've got the will power to stock with the healthy choices, you can eat out and not undo all your hard work.

Today was a good, healthy day.  I'm proud of myself!  Tomorrow Michael and I are going to Jeremy and Jordi's Wedding (two of his co-workers).  I'm glad to have had such a good food, water, and activity day the day before.  I know I'll be feeling thin and fit tomorrow as I rock my new Little Black Dress to the wedding and reception!  Thanks, Beth, at Aspen Boutique for letting me know about the great sale you were having, and for picking out clothes, jackets, and shoes and having them ready for me to try on when I walked in the store!  That's service!  Stay tuned for pictures of the new dress!  :D

Had this typed out last night, but hit save instead of publish!  Oops!

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