Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bouncing Baby Boy! :)

Connor is getting sooo active these days!  Michael has been able to feel him kicking many times.  I feel more, but the placenta may still be keeping some of the movements from getting through to the outside.  He's active first thing in the morning when I'm laying in bed.  He kicks at the side where my stomach is laying in the bed.  He likes when I drink Pepsi, poor kid is probably doomed to be a caffeine addict just like me.  :P  He moves a lot during the day and I feel him really well when I rest my arms on my belly.  Then, he's moving and kicking again at night!  He's not strong enough yet to wake me up or keep me awake from movement.  The things that interupt my sleep the most right now are heartburn and just being uncomfortable.  In the evenings he's especially fiesty!  He'll punch and kick at the same time because I feel two taps and they are in very different areas!  :P  It's so fun watching and feeling him grow.  Now that I can feel his movements on a regular basis, I don't worry nearly as much.  And now that we're passed the 24 week mark I know that he has every chance of surviving.  I just have to be patient and enjoy the rest of the ride.  I'm finding it easier to be patient this time around.  Partly because we already have Avery and she keeps us on our toes.  Also, I know that this will be my last pregnancy, so I'm enjoying it and not wishing it to rush by.  I only have 3.5 more months to enjoy this feeling and experience of growing a baby inside of me.  I need to make the most of it.  :)

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