Monday, November 2, 2020

COVID-19 Day 235 - November 1 - I'm thankful for time with family, vacation, and making lemonade out of 2🍋2🍋

Good morning!  We're back from our vacation to Colorado and it was wonderful!  We had a fabulous time getting away for a bit and spending some time with Glenn and Linda, who we haven't seen in quite a while.  The kids got spoiled with candy from everyone and probably fared better than they would have on a normal Halloween.  I'll make another blog post all about our trip, but for now I want to start my annual November tradition of spending each day being thankful for the blessings in my life.  I write all of this on Facebook as well, but I thought I might copy and paste it here as well and write a bit more in some cases.  Last night after we got in we spent some time unpacking and cleaning the house up before heading to bed, so I didn't write yesterday, but I caught it up early this morning and I think the sentiment still holds, despite being 6 hours late.  ;)  Here's what I put on Facebook...

That time of year again! I know 2020 has been rough, so all the more reason to stop and take time to remember how extremely blessed I am.  

November 1st - I am thankful for time with family, vacation, and making lemonade out of 2🍋2🍋. I know that the number of Halloween celebrations with my kids while they're little are limited and growing fewer very quickly. We didn't even buy costumes this year, because it seemed cruel to get the kids all excited that way, when I knew I wasn't going to allow them to trick-or-treat this year. But God provides small blessings and I am trying to take note of these. So when Glenn and Linda invited us to Colorado for a weekend, it was the perfect distraction for this year when I knew Halloween would look different. Our little mini vacation was so much more than a distraction from Halloween though! It was so much better! Traveling, seeing the beautiful Colorado mountains, hiking, crafting, playing games, cooking, exploring, playing, shopping, eating, talking, relaxing, curiosity, and wonder, our small vacation was filled with so many things. We had an amazing time! So thank you, to my wonderful in-laws for facilitating this special trip, for your company, and for the memories! I am very thankful for you both! Happy November, Friends! ❤ 

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