Monday, October 26, 2020

COVID-19 Day 228 Pictures Cont.

 Ok, trying from the computer to see how many pictures made it to the cloud.  It's easier to upload from the computer.  Let's see what we got...

Lily at 10 weeks!  I didn't get her new pictures taken for this week on Saturday or Sunday, so her 11 week pictures will have to be 11 weeks and 2 days (assuming I actually do them today...  Now I remember what a pain this was doing even monthly pictures for the kids when they were less than a year old!!)

The only pictures I took from out at the farm last weekend.  Isn't she cute!?

Week 2 of our Halloweeny donuts!  Fun spiders!!

Since the kids can't go on field trips right now, thanks COVID, Connor's teacher and the Kindergarten and First Grade teams brought the field trip to the kids!  They brought a petting zoo to the school and kindergarteners also got a mini pumpkin since they missed out on their annual pumpkin patch field trip.  The teachers are working so hard to make this year special for the kids, despite all the restrictions.

Lily at 9 weeks.  I started getting all artsy-fartsy with my pictures.  Oh well, whatever brings you joy, right??

Connor got invited to a playdate at a friend's house.  4 of these kids are homeschooling this year, 4 of these kids are at Sunflower, spread in 3 different classes.  They had so much fun seeing each other and playing together again!  The sweet Mama even let Avery stay to play with Rachel.  Much fun was had by all!  I have a feeling we'll have a lot more pictures of this handsome group of boys as they continue to grow.  <3

Dinner from a food truck rally!  Safely distanced away from others to enjoy.  This was held in the parking lot of the K-State Extension Center where the Kansas Grown Farmer's Market is held.  The garden there is so cool!  I know they're a great community resource, but I've never utilized them before.  I'm hoping for compost bins for my birthday and to seek out some of their help to make my garden even better next year!!

No pumpkin patch this year.  They're too expensive anyway!  We still found good ones!  And, it you check out my other pictures blog, you can see how they turned out!!

Crazy hair day at school!

Alright, I think that's enough for this blog!  I've run into Avery's birthday now (would be the next pictures if I kept going), so I think that should be a blog in and of itself.  But, like I keep saying, I haven't finished our packing for our trip...  Today was the perfect day and I was a bump on a log...  So I really am going to go work on that now.  If I write again tonight, it won't be until AFTER the packing is DONE.  I mean it this time!!

Have a great night!!

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