Monday, November 9, 2020

COVID 19 Day 242 - November 8 - I'm thankful for quiet, peaceful mornings.

November 8 - I'm thankful for quiet peaceful mornings. Many mornings I opt for the extra sleep and don't force my body out of bed when the alarm goes off, but when I do, I'm glad I did. When I'm up early I have quiet time to myself to drink my coffee and wake up before I'm waking the kids up, fixing everyone's lunches and breakfasts, reminding them to brush their teeth and get everything ready for school, cleaning up from breakfast, packing school snacks and folders, etc... It starts my day off in a much better way to have some time to focus on myself and wake up before I have to interact with other, lol! Last year I focused all of October and November (and I think some of December until I finally fell off the wagon) on getting up an hour early each day and writing down 5 things I was thankful for each day. It really put things into good perspective. Perhaps I should revisit that challenge. But, for now, I'm thankful for quiet mornings, hot coffee, and not being a grouchy mom. ;)

Generally, I think back on the day before and write about something from that day that I was thankful for.  However, I've had such a nice morning drinking my coffee and blogging, that this is what I choose to be thankful for this morning.  Of course, there was lots to be thankful for yesterday as well...  I'm thankful for Sundays in Towanda, for family time, for good food, for football, for a Chiefs victory, for warm weather, for the kids playing together so nicely, for glowsticks in the dark and running around the back yard after bedtime, for bedtime snuggles, for the kids loving each other so much that they want to sleep in the same room, for Lily, for Avery showing such great responsibility in caring for her, for the kindness of my children, for our soft, cozy bed, for dozing off to tv show reruns...  There is always so much to be thankful for, isn't there?  <3

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