Monday, November 16, 2020

COVID-19 Day 249 - November 14 - I'm thankful that my kiddos love to read!

November 14 - I am thankful that my kiddos love to read!  ❤📚  As 1st and 2nd graders, they're really just getting into the meat of understanding how to read, but something really clicked this year.  I don't know if my new job had anything thing to do with it, but they have been just eating books up this year!  Before and after school they find books in the library to read while I finish working.  In the car they always have books on hand to read, or they ask to listen to our current Harry Potter audiobook.  They have both been caught staying up late to read, one time they were reading to each other (needless to say, a pass was given for staying up past bedtime...  🤷🏼‍♀️)  I am incredibly proud of them!  Each day they have to read for 30 minutes.  A year ago that was a battle, but most days now, they've gotten a bunch of reading done without ever being asked to do it.  Avery's Christmas list is mostly books!  😳  As a kid who struggled with reading, comprehension, fluency, and reading for pleasure, I could not be more thrilled that my babies, despite being young, already love to read.  I know this will pay off for them in big ways as they grow!  ❤

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