Tuesday, May 26, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 75

Sorry for no new blog posts the last week.  It was the last week of school and we were just busy.  Here is a very brief update of what's been going on: 
*School is done for the year 
*I might be getting a new job
*Sis dyed my hair pink and purple again like last summer
*We went to the farm for Memorial Day weekend
*We're still going on our vacation in about 4.5 weeks
*We're planning on having the engineers and their families over for dinner Thursday if the rain will stay away 
*It feels good to be sleeping in my own bed again
*My garden looks great after a few days away
*My friend Kelly made me a Harry Potter mask 
*Linda sent Michael and I K-State masks in the mail
*While dying my hair this weekend, we're also did Avery's, Laney's, and Mama's
*I'd like to do a little clothes shopping before vacation, but I'm not sure if any stores have dressing rooms open 🤷🏼‍♀️
*From today I have the next 12 weeks off work!  Money wise it will stink, but not be unbearable.  Mentally, I'm looking forward to it. 
*I have a real Pea pod forming on one of my pea plants! 
*My corn is finally about 6 inches tall, so I need to plant beans this week!  The three sisters are almost complete! 
*I planted more seeds a week or so ago and now have more flowers, herbs, and cucumbers coming up! 
*Michael's and my 11 year anniversary was Saturday

I think that's about it.  Not really in any sort of order.  Here are a few pictures too.  ❤  I'll try to sort out this jumbled mess last today, but it's not even 8am yet, so this is what you get.  😉

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