Ended up getting to the good stuff on the training and never finished here. So I'm back now! Hope you all had a nice day. 😊 Kids got their work done for the day and are downstairs playing on the Switch. Michael can't wait for them to go to bed so he can play. Sis and I decided today to eat healthier and drink more water, so that's what I've been focused on a lot of the day. I really hate drinking water. Not much else to report. I wish it would warm up. I went out and checked on the garden. There was a little damage because of the hail and storm yesterday, but not too bad. Mostly the plants on the east side that aren't as protected by the trees. It was too chilly to stay out for long though. I had Caesar Salad for dinner. It was a premade bag from Walmart and it was REALLY GOOD! The dressing was super tasty and it also had course black pepper in a little packet to sprinkle on my salad! I loved it! I left it off Michael's because he doesn't like pepper, but he's totally missing out. Michael and I have been watching the Marvel movies in chronological order of their universe. We started with Captain America: The First Avenger. Then we went to Captain Marvel. Next we watched Iron Man. Now we're about halfway through Iron Man 2. I might have to ask Michael is we can watch Big Bang tonight before bed instead. We've been staying up watching movies the last several nights and I haven't got as much rest. I typically fall asleep watching TV and Michael keeps watching. We're usually watching shows we've already seen, so I'm not missing anything. But I haven't watched all of these Marvel movies and the ones I have seen I haven't seen recently, so I don't want to fall asleep and miss anything. So it's been passed 11 several nights in a row when I go to sleep and I'm more of a 930 kind of person. 😂👵 Anyway, day 1 of this 14 day quarantine is done now. I'm hopeful that with us staying home and me staying well covered on the last day of school when I have to go back and close things up, that the family can all go out to the farm together for Memorial Day! 🤞 Assuming everyone is ok with that. We shall see. And then, summer will be here! And the kids and I will be free to spend as much time out there as we'd like. I just wish Michael could be out there more with us. Anyway, I'm rambling again. Have a wonderful night and I'll talk to you more later! Happy quarantining! 😁💘
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