Friday, May 15, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 64 - Sunny Garden Make Up Post - Number 2

Back again!  Fortunately I had the foresight to copy and paste that last post before I tried to exit the screen I was in, because I would have definitely lost it.  One thing you're missing in this post versus the one yesterday is that I was super jazzed and enthusiastic that the sun had come out.  I'm not quite as giddy today, but I am happy the sun is out again today as well.  When are these storms supposed to end, anyway?  We had a monster of a storm last night!  Anyway, back to pictures...
Peas and green onions look good.  I'm trying to guide the peas over to the fence so they'll climb up it, but they want to go the other way because it's where they get sun.  If I can get them to at least start growing up the fence, they'll keep going.  They just have to get a little taller and I can get them over there.  😊
Zucchini, yellow squash, and butternut squash look good.  Flowers are persevering despite being hit pretty hard by the storms.  Okra is still teeny tiny.  🤷🏼‍♀️
I have some tiny asparagus coming up!  I think I have about a half dozen stalks.  Figured I would have had more by now, but who knows.  At least I have something!  Hopefully the rest are coming soon!  🤞  I need to add some more dirt to the trenches, but I don't want to discourage more spears from popping up.  🤷🏼‍♀️
Avery's carrots continue to grow like weeds!  Really probably need to thin those out some...
Lettuce and most of the strawberries look good!  The head lettuce didn't take the beating from the rain as well.  Also, I think my Honeoye strawberries are completely dead now.  Note to self: get strawberry plants earlier next year and don't buy the ones of clearance on their last leg.

Ok, there are still a few more pictures I want to post, but I'm getting nervous again, so I'm going to copy and paste this and then try to post it.  Stay tuned for the next installation!  😉

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