Overall, everything looks pretty good! A little messy from mud splashing up onto plants, but not too bad. They probably wouldn't have got so muddy if I had hay laid down around the plants like I did last year. But I can't run to Lowe's as often as I need things anymore, so I'm trying to get by with what I've got. Also, see my helpers coming in to assist me with my gardening? 😂 Some day I'll trust them and be able to let them in a little more freely, but for now they're still under close supervision!
They yellow squash is at the bottom of the stairs, so the house protects it from the weather a lot. They seem to be doing very well!
Did I ever explain why I have 2 yellow squash plants in a pot? I planted seeds and they never came up, so I planted more seeds and bought plants and finally got some yellow squash in my garden. Then the seeds decided to come up in the little pot I planted inside. Oops! So these squash are for the kids to take care of. We also painted "cactus" to keep them company. 😉😂
I'm also starting to have some herbs come up in my herb pot on the upper deck. Later yesterday I also saw basil seedlings coming up! Didn't get a picture of them though.
So there you have it! The sun came up and I ran out to check my garden while there was time! Turns out the sun was out all day yesterday. The kids went out to play and had popsicles while they laid in their pool floaties on the driveway, it was really good. 😊 Only 1 more week of school, then Memorial Day out at the farm (Michael said we could stay until Monday, well, the kids and I could anyway, but he can join us until Monday since he has the day off!!), then sweet summertime! ❤🌞
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