Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sick Baby

The kids woke us up today at 730 wanting to come unto our bed to snuggle.  They did and Connor ended up falling asleep again.  Avery tossed and turned a bit and ended up getting up.  When Connor woke up later, it was because he was throwing up.  :(  We cleaned him and the bed up and he was acting fine, so when he requested peanut butter toast for breakfast, I made it for him.  The kids went downstairs to play and watch some TV.  It's a little chilly in our house because we're trying not to use the heat much at the moment, so I thought the kids would like some hot chocolate.  I made them each a cup.  They loved it!  30 minutes to an hour later Connor came upstairs crying, he'd thrown up again.  This time it was all over the couch and basement carpet.  Michael gave both kids a bath.  Connor seems to ne doing ok again, but I've decided we'll stick to the B.R.A.T. diet for the reat of the day and see if we can't keep some food in his little tummy.  :(  So that's how my day has gone...  Guess we're not going to watch the Little Mermaid at Circle tonight.

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