Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4 - Thankful for my Mama

Today I'm thankful for my mom!  That statement seems so inadequate, because I am thankful for my mom each and every day!  She and my dad have done SO MUCH for me and for my family over the years.  It's not always big things either, she's been there, supporting me, loving me, teaching me, comforting me all my life.  She is one of my best friends and I am tremendously blessed to have her in my life.  Each day of thankfulness through November I think of something In thankful for based on the day and what's going on.  Today my mom is coming over to watch the kids so I can see the doctor, Monday she'll come back so I can see the doctor again.  If I can't get my voting done one of those days, chances are she'll come back again Tuesday so I can vote.  She's ALWAYS here, ANY time I need her, and I really love and appreciate that about her. 

As you can see, babysitting is a huge help that she gives me.  Since I don't work, I'm the one responsible in our home for making appointments and getting "business hours" work done.  Sometimes that means I need to leave the house, and doing so with 3 or 4 kids can be difficult.  Sometimes Mama comes over just to watch the kids so I can get away.  As an extrovert who is stuck in my house with small children all day, sometimes I just need to escape for a while.  Some days Mama and the kids come with me and we have a fun family day, other days I just "run away from home," leaving Mama and the kids behind.  Finally, let's not forget, though it's been a while *knock on wood* the times when I'm sick.  My amazing, loving mother will come over and watch the kids when I'm feeling too sick to do it.  This was REALLY helpful when I was pregnant with the kids, fortunately we're dove with all that.  ;)

I love going shopping with my mom!  We don't get to do it nearly often enough because of the kids, sometimes we try, but often it's more effort than it's worth.  I love spending time with her, hanging out.  It's great to have an adult available during the working hours when so many other people are unavailable.  But it's more than just someone to talk to, my mom is one of my best friends and favorite people to spend time with (often I was too spend more time with her than I do the children).  I love talking about our lives, the things going on, the kids, plans, she is easy to confide in.  I especially love hanging out with my mom this time off year!  Something about the holiday season fills me with joy and excitement, from baking to shopping, decorating to wrapping, it's magical, and who better to spend that time with than my amazing mom who loves the season add much as I do?!

My mom is incredibly generous!  I've already mentioned how generous she is with her time, but she is also generous with her money.  There have been times in my life and in Michael's and my marriage when money was tight, very tight.  And my parents have always been there through that.  I cannot tell you enough the relief I feel and the peace they give me when they say they don't want the money back.  Now, make no mistake, I intend to pay them back for all they've done, but the relief comes when they say they don't want it or expect it.  I know they aren't going to harp on me to pay them back in a timely manner.   They aren't bill collectors.  They are my parents.  (I'm tearing up now.)  And by loving me unconditionally and not putting the stress of money on me, that I already acutely feel from various other angles in my life, I feel so blessed and at peace.  During one of the most difficult times in our marriage, when I had a miscarriage and was stressed about the money to pay the bills, my parents helped us.  They didn't put the bill in an IOU box to bring our when we were less sensitive, they just helped and loved us.  That is the kind of parents we want to be for Avery and Connor.  (Don't even get me started on how generous they are to the kids!  Spoiled, really, but in all the best ways.)  :)

My parents are an inspiration.  They fill me with love and hope, they encourage me and have set a terrific example in the way to live one's life.  I am beyond blessed to have such wonderful parents.

I started this blog this morning but didn't get to finish it up and post it.  When I got back from my appointment my dishwasher was running, my kitchen, living room, and dining room were clean, and my mom was cleaning the kids' rooms and making their beds.  She was surprised I was back as quickly as I was and said she'd planned to have the vacuuming done before I got back.  See how amazing she is?!?!  :)

Love you, Mama!  Thank you for cleaning my house and all you do!  You are an inspiration to so many around you.  I am so proud to call you my mom.  :)

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