Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Average Lunch

Good Afternoon, Friends!  I thought I'd continue what I started this morning showing what a typical food day looks like for me.  For lunch today I had leftovers of dinner from last night.  I do this for a couple reasons.
1- Food doesn't sit in my fridge long enough to go bad.
2- It's quick.
3- It's easy for Michael to grab leftovers out of the fridge and take to work, then I don't have to get quite as many meals prepared throughout the week.

Last night for dinner I went out with a friend, so I didn't actually eat this for dinner.  Instead, I ate a healthy grilled shrimp salad from Applebees (370 cal!  Woot!).  But this is what Michael and the kids had and there were leftovers for lunch today.

When I started changing the way I ate and prepared my food I measured and weighed my food to know the exact amount of calories I was ingesting.  I also used MyFitnessPal to log everything.  I highly recommend these two strategies to anyone starting to change the way they eat in order to lose weight.  It keeps you a lot more accountable when you can see how many calories are associated with every last thing you eat.  That being said, I've been at this for a year and a half and I don't keep as careful track anymore.  So I can't give you the EXACT calories that my lunch was today.  :\  Sorry.  But I ran some numbers into MyFitnessPal and I estimate the meal to be about 450 calories(ish).

Baked Chicken Parmesean
Buttered Brussel Sprouts
Whole Wheat Angel Hair Spaghetti

Again, sorry that I didn't weigh and measure everything to get you exact numbers.  If this meal looks good to you I recommend both recipes!  Try them out!

Have you checked out those calorie calculators yet?  Read my breakfast tips post from this morning and check them out!  (Links included!)

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