Friday, April 18, 2014

Pregnany Update - 37 Weeks

How far along:  37 weeks!!  Almost done!!  I have really enjoyed many aspects of this pregnancy, but I am soooo looking forward to meeting my son!  :D  I know there will be things about pregnancy that I miss when this chapter of my life is over, but at this point, all I can think about is meeting Connor!  :D

Due date:  May 9th, 2014.  Although my doctor and I both believe that there's a good chance he could come early.  :)  Time will tell.  ;)

Next doctor's appointment: April 23rd.  We're doing weekly appointments now!  Woot woot!!  So we'll get to see the doctor again in just 5 more days!  Just one more indicator that Connor is almost here!!  :D

Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food:  Leek, swiss chard, or wintermelon (these terms help me none)  :P

Our baby in man terms:  The head of a full-sized American Pit Bull or a beach ball (much better!)  ;)

Total weight gain/loss:  +18.2 lbs, down a little from last week.  This explains why, at the doctor this week, they said my weight hadn't changed since 2 weeks ago.  I think Connor will end up very close to Avery's numbers.  I gained a total of 20 lbs during her pregnancy.  He's tracking to be right on the same lines.  :)

News:  I am 2.5cm dilated, 70% effaced, Connor is head down, engaged, and at a -2.5 station.  :)  Everything is going just the way it needs to!  Our little man is making his final preparations and getting close to joining us!  My platelers are holding steady at 103,000, and we're still making plans to deliver at the Birthcare Center, if possible.  :)

Best moments this week:  Finding out that I was already so far dilated and effaced, seeing maternity photos up on Courtney's blog, and Connor's ever-present movements!  ;)

Milestones:  We hit 37 weeks today!  This used to be considered full-term, but the March of Dimes has changed it to 39 weeks now.  Either way, if I were to go into labor any time between now and his due date, my doctor wouldn't stop the contractions, but would instead let me labor and deliver.  :)

Symptoms:  Heartburn and abdominal and pelvic discomfort

Maternity clothes?  Yup!

Stretch marks?  Yup!  Mostly just extensions, they still look really good compared to last time.

Belly Button in or out?  In.

Movement:  Yup!  Still feeling him move a lot!  :)  He's a mover and a shaker, right up to the last minute.  ;)

Gender:  It's a boy!  :D  (As far as we know...)  ;)

Sleep:  Is interupted by the need to pee 2 or 3 times/night, and heartburn occasionally.

Food cravings:  Ice cream, milk, chocolate, sweets, followed immediately by salty cravings, specifically chips.  Not many healthy cravings, lol.

Food aversions:  Cooking.

What I miss:  Sleeping comfortably, having energy, my figure, and wine.

What I'm loving:  Movements, anticipation, attention, the moments when I feel good, hearing people say I'm looking good, eben though I feel like a beached whale.  ;)

What I'm looking forward to:  Meeting Connor, going into labor, letting someone else take care of me in the hospital, nursing again, seeing Avery's reaction to her new brother, birth pictures (not graphic), and Michael finally getting the son he's been waiting for.  :)

Thoughts and feelings about Michael:  I couldn't get through each day without this amazing man at my side.  He gives me strength to face each day.  He also holds me up and helps me when I feel just too tired to make it anymore.  He's my rock.  I love him so much!  I can't wait to give him a son!  :)  I hope Connor looks like his Daddy.  :)

Thoughts and feelings about Avery:  This little girl's world is about to change in big ways, and she doesn't even know it!  Sure, she can point to my tummy, kiss it, and say "baby", but she has no idea what's to come.  :P  I think she'll enjoy having a baby brother.  One thing she may struggle with is that Connor won't be able to play with her the way Dayton can.  But I believe she'll encourage him to grow quickly so he can keep up with her and Dayton.  :)  I think she'll make an awesome big sister!  :)

Labor signs:  More Braxton Hicks contractions, especially at night.  I remember having them at night with Avery too.  I'd wake up to go to the bathroom and my abdomen would be tight and rigid.  Connor's arrival is getting closer every day!  :D

Goals:  Finish packing the hospital bag (I'm almost done already!!), pack the bag, pillows, and everything but the delivery room bag into the car, and getting some more house cleaning done.  We're in the home stretch!  Soooo close!!  :)

Weekly Wisdom:  I need to ask for help more often.  I need it more often than I ask.  I'm so thankful for my mom, who's just a phonecall away from giving me some much needed relief.  I don't thank her nearly enough for all she does for me.  Don't wait until Mother's Day to tell your mom what she means to you.  ;)

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