Monday, April 28, 2014

11 Days!

The countdown continues!  Each morning I wake up knowing we're one step and one day closer to meeting our son!  What an exciting feeling!  :D  This morning as I was laying in bed I wasn't feeling so huge.  I wasn't sore, and Connor wasn't kicking me in the ribs or bladder and making me uncomfortable.  This morning I didn't feel like I was 9 months pregnant.  ;)  I felt like this for a moment yesterday morning too.  It was on our way to church.  I was able to breathe okay, I wasn't feeling like a beached whale, Connor's knees weren't wedged into my ribs, and for a moment, I forgot I was pregnant.  All the discomforts melted away for a moment and I got a glimpse of what life was like before I was pregnant again.  :)  Now throughout the course of the day, even moments after talking to Michael about this, I was reminded again of my size and my ever-growing baby, but for a split second I forgot.  ;)  The same thing happened this morning.  Eventually, I had to get out of bed today, and I had to roll myself to get out, lol.  Maybe these feelings are a sign that the end is near.  No telling.  I suppose we'll find out more on Wednesday when we see the doctor again. 

As much as I would like for things to have moved and changed, giving me hope that the end is getting closer, I don't feel like things have changed much since last week.  Connor is still up in my ribs, making me think he's not moving down any more.  And I haven't had many contractions this week to help my dilation and effacement advance.  We'll wait and see in a couple days, but I'm not holding my breath for huge changes.  *sigh*  Just one more way God is teaching me patience, despite my best effort to avoid it.  ;)  9 months of patience is about all I can handle, lol! 

In order to keep things moving, I'm going to ask my doctor to do a membrane sweep on Wednesday when I see him.  I had this done twice when I was pregnant with Avery, and it did little to nothing to advance or jumpstart my labor.  That being said, I'm ready to meet Connor and I'm ready to give something else a try because he seems way too comfy in there.  ;)  A membrane sweep is where my doctor will seperate the amniotic sac from the cervix.  The idea is to prompt the release of hormones that will cause me to go into labor.  I know if you've been following along throughout the pregnancy you'll know that I want Connor to wait until May to get here.  Well, May will be here on Thursday!  So the way I figure it, if the membrane sweep works and puts me into labor (even instantly) I'll still have to wait a while before I can deliver, which is going to put Connor's arrival on Thursday, and in May!  Now, I don't actually think it's going to work that fast, but I'm hoping that maybe by Friday or Saturday, he'll be here.  ;)  The only downside to him potentially coming early like that is that I won't get my week off without the babies...  But if I think the end is coming, I might ask my mom to take them a day or two early...  We'll just have to wait and see!  ;)

As I mentioned earlier, the countdown is getting lower every day!  I'm soooo excited!  Here's what's happened and how my countdowns have changed since my last "countdown" post.  (And if you haven't read my countdown post, go read it, especially at the bottom where I'm asking people to guess Connor's weight, height, and birthdate.)  ;)

I'm done with work at Beldens!  One of my countdowns has expired!  I finished up my last week at Beldens and am now officially on maternity leave from the jewelry store until July!  I'm looking forward to two glorious months without work to enjoy with my family!  I'm also looking forward to some much needed rest!  As nice as it is to be done with Beldens, the real area where I need a break is the daily grind of watching a one and two year old.  Which leads me to my next countdown...

4 more days until I have a break from Avery and Dayton!  I cannot thank my mom enough for being willing to watch Avery and Dayton the week before Connor is due!  Like I mentioned earlier, I might not end up getting this week off if Connor comes a week early.  However, if he does decide to stay inside and comfy until his due date, I know I'll enjoy a quiet and peaceful week to myself before he arrives.  Now, of course, I'll have the weekend to get through as well, so I guess you could technically call it 6 days until my break from the older kiddos, but over the weekend I'll only have Avery and Michael will be home to help me, so it's not nearly as difficult and exhausting over the weekend.  But then again, who knows?  Maybe we'll be in the hospital with our baby boy this weekend....

2 days until my next doctor's appointment!  Like I've said many times before, I LOVE having weekly appointments!  It signals that the end is near, and I get a weekly update on my little boy and how things are progressing towards his entry into the world.  :)  I'm hoping that my platelets get back up over 100,000 so I can go to the Birthcare Center, but I'm not holding my breath.  In my previous experience, once my platelets go down, they don't have a tendency to go back up more than 1,000-2,000.  But I know that even if I do end up at the hospital, I will be well cared for.  :)

11 days until Connor is due!  Ultimately, this is my final countdown.  Although we haven't scheduled my induction yet, Michael and I are planning to discuss it with my doctor this week.  Thanks to my falling platelet count, my doctor doesn't require me to stick with it until my labor kicks in.  The longer I wait, the more my platelets could drop, so in an attempt to prevent complications and interventions, my doctor will induce my labor if Connor hasn't arrived by his due date.  :)  The end is in sight!  I'm soooooo excited!!

26 days until Connor's Welcome Home Party!  On May 24th we're having a party the celebrate Connor and welcome him to the world.  This will be an opportunity for friends and family to come over, eat, visit, and hold our new baby (if Michael will allow it).  It will give Michael and me a chance to socialize and show off our awesome new baby!  :)  It is during Memorial Day weekend, so we know that some people will already have plans (my grandparents have already said they won't be there), but we hope many people will join us, especially if you don't have other plans.  :)

Finally, 3 months, 1 week, and 3 days until Tugfest!  One of my favorite times of the year!  I'll only be back at Beldens for about a month when I'll leave again for a short vacation.  This year will be QUITE a trip!  We will have a 3 month old and a 22 month old with us!  It will definitely be a different experience than it's been in years passed!  But I couldn't be looking forward to it more!  This will be our first Tugfest as a family of 4 and my seventh Tugfest to go to and visit Michael's family.  :)  I just love it!  I hope Connor and Avery will enjoy going as much as Michael and I do each year.  :)

Well, that's about all that I'm counting down until at the moment.  Life is so very busy right now!  Most importantly, I'm looking forward to meeting my little man.  :)  It won't be long now.  :)

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