Tuesday, April 22, 2014

17 Days!

The good news is, we only have 17 days (or less) until Connor gets here!  :D  The bad news is, it could end up being a long couple of weeks.  :P 

We FINALLY finished packing our hospital bag!  :D  Yay!!  It is packed and in the back of my car.  :)  We also have our pillows and the nursing pillow in there ready to go.  At this point, we're only missing our labor and delivery duffle bag.  It's basically all packed, just missing the last few essentials that we'll need to pack as we head out the door.  :)  Glad to finally have this task checked off my list.  ;)  Took me long enough to get it all done.  :P

Getting comfortable is getting harder and harder each day.  Laying in bed is tough because if I'm not comfy, turning over takes A LOT of effort!  :P  Also, laying down tends to make the heartburn worse.  Sometimes I will have eaten, causing the heartburn.  Other times it comes on it's own, whether I've eaten or not.  *sigh*  I know it's an old wive's tale, but I hope all this heartburn is leading to a little boy with a full head of hair.  ;)  With Avery we had a sonogram at 34 weeks to check on her kidney sizes, by that point they could already see on the sono that she had hair.  With Connor we have no clue.  :P  Guess we'll have to wait and be surprised.  :D  Bald or a head full of hair, I wish the heartburn would go away.  :\  The good news is that when I'm not pregnant anymore, the heartburn seemed to go away almost instantly.  Guess my innerds just don't like all that squishing.  ;)

Connor's room is all done.  I never got around to making a special art piece just for him.  I'm just too exhausted.  But maybe after he gets here and I have my body back (mostly) to myself, maybe then I'll feel up to painting for him.  :)  We'll see.

I can't wait for the week my mom takes Avery and Dayton.  I'm looking forward to getting the house cleaned up.  They can make a mess of it in a hurry.  Gets a little discouraging to clean and clean and clean and have it all messy again only moments later.  I just don't have the energy to keep recleaning it all.

For those of you who still read this, in case you haven't heard, Michael and I would love visitors at the hospital, especially right after Connor arrives.  It will be crazy anyway, so if we can get lots of visiting in at that same time before we really have time to get settled into recovery, that will work better.  So keep an eye out on facebook, the blog, your texts, and for phone calls and we'll let you know when he's on his way.  Also, don't be surprised if you get a call or text from a 3rd party, as Michael and I may be busy, so we'll delegate some of the contacting.  ;)

Well, Little Miss is thinking about taking a nap tonight, and I still haven't eaten dinner, so I better get off of here and get some stuff done around the house.  :)  Thanks for reading and for your thoughts and prayers!  We can't wait to meet our little boy!

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