How far along: 29 weeks
Due date: May 9, 2014
Next doctor's appointment: March 5
Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food: Butternut Squash or Acorn Squash (He's around 15 inches long and around 3 pounds right now!!) :D
Our baby in man terms: A Kettleball (though not as heavy) or a loaf of bread (though not as light) ;)
Total weight gain/loss: +12.8 lbs! Really packing on the weight now! But the way I figure it, being almost 3/4 of the way done and only having added a little under 13 pounds is not so bad. As long as Connor's healthy. I have the rest of my life to get back in shape. ;) Here's hoping the pounds melt off with nursing like they did with Avery!!
News: No news this week. He's growing and wiggling. :) I thInk I passed my glucose test. They told me they'd call if anything was abnormal. It's been over a week and I haven't heard from them, so I'm assuming that means good news. ;) They called when I was pregnant with Avery to tell me my hemoglobin was low and that I needed to start taking extra iron (I've struggled with needing more iron all my life), but they didn't even call to tell me that this time. So hopefully all is awesome on my bloodwork! :D I'll know for sure in a week and a half when I go back to the doctor.
Best moments this week: I got a massage!! It was probably the most relaxing massage I've ever had! I nearly fell asleep! It was amazing! I needed it! The babies and work have been wearing me out.
Milestones: Nothing super special this week. Just 1.5 weeks until we see the doctor again. :) Getting more anxious for the end to meet our little guy. :)
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, fatigue, heartburn
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Yes, I'm admitting it. My old stretch marks are getting bigger. Don't think I'm getting any new ones yet. Also, the marks that are expanding are very low. I think Connor is staying very low for the moment.
Belly Button in or out? In
Movement: Yes
Gender: Boy
Sleep: Off and on. :\
Food cravings: Not much
Food aversions: None
What I miss: Being able to roll over and breathe easy
What I'm loving: Preparing Connor's room, getting things checked off my list, making plans for the time right around when Connor will be arriving
What I'm looking forward to: Hopefully delivering in the Birthcare Center, getting to see Avery's reaction when she meets Connor for the first time, new baby snuggles :)
Thoughts and feelings about Michael: Well, it's going to be the same thing I say every week, lol! I love my husband! He's incredibly helpful, loving, and caring. He's an amazing father and husband. Avery, Connor, and I are blessed to have him in our lives. :)
Thoughts and feelings about Avery: Avery is going to be an amazing big sister. It's so cute to watch her play with her baby dolls. She likes to put hats on them, wrap them up in blankets, cover them up in bed, and give them bottles or drinks. She's awesome! It has been such a joy watching her grow up! I'm anxious to see her grow into her new roll of big sister. :)
Labor signs: Nope
Goals: Get the house picked back up before Glenn, Linda, and Madison get here on Saturday.
Weekly Wisdom: Just take it one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow until you get there.
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