Well, maybe it's nesting, maybe it's excitement that our baby boy will be here in just a little over 3 months, but I'm getting excited to prepare for his arrival!!
As you know, Avery began sleeping in her big girl bed and room about a month ago. We did this so that she would be well acquainted with her new room and sleeping arrangements by the time Connor got here. That way there would be no jealousy or frustration that he was sleeping in "her" crib. The transition has gone very well. She's been sleeping in her bed at bedtime for a month, and in her bed for naps for a week. We have had a couple hiccups along the way, but overall, she has done remarkable! :D We're very pleased!
Moving Avery out of the nursery was one of the last things we needed to do to REALLY get Connor's room ready for him. I have already removed all of the girly blankets, toys, and clothes. I am in the process of washing the last bit of bedding that was in the crib when Avery was using it. My step for today is to raise the crib height back up to the high newborn setting, put the waterproof pad and sheet back on the matress, put the matress back into the crib, add the bumpers back into the crib, put the mobile back up on the crib, and wash the gender neutral stuffed animals to lay in the crib until Connor arrives. It seems like a lot, but mostly it's just getting the bed ready, and it's all that I feel adventurous enough to tackle today. ;)
Here are a few of the finishing touches I need to do on Connor's room:
-Make his "Snakes, Snails, and Puppy dog tails" art
-Get and hang a shelf or two
-Vaccum the floors, rug, and chair
-Decide on final room arrangement
-Stock diapers (cloth and disposable), wipes, and trash can near changing table
-Make sure closet is completely clean of Avery's stuff and ready for Connor's
Those are most of them anyway.... There are other things I need to do/get ready before his arrival. I need to start making lists so I can keep myself organized and continue working down the number of to-do items. My energy is so fleeting, I need to capitalize and make the most of the energetic moments I have (and make the most of nap time). Here are some of the other items that need done before Connor's arrival:
-Go to Sis and Adam's to get baby clothes and gear (play mat and bath sling)
-Go to Kid to Kid with a load of Avery's newborn/0-3 month clothes to trade in for new clothes for Connor
-Buy Connor a new (or several new) outfits to come home from the hospital in
-Get boy receiving blankets, regular blankets, and hooded towels
-Pack Michael's, Connor's, and my hospital bag
-Make final arrangements with Sis, Adam, and Mama about Avery's care while we're in labor with Connor
-Schedule maternity photo session with Courtney
-Clean the never-ending mess that is my house
-Plan, cook, and freeze meals for Connor's arrival
-Make final arrangements with Sis, Adam, and Mama about Dayton's (and Avery's) care while I'm on "maternity leave"
-Clean out the carseat that Connor will use
-Install carseat and base in my car
-Stock up on (Free! Thank you coupons!) formula
-Get out, wash, and sanitize bottles
-Get a good pump
I'm sure there's more, but that's all I've got at the moment, lol! There's so much to do! But I'm sure we'll get it all done. :) Call me crazy, but I enjoy the nest/cleaning/preparing stage. :) I'm just trying to soak it all in and enjoy everything about this pregnancy since I know it will be my last. Planning for a new baby is so very much fun! Can't wait to experience the differences in having a little boy. :) I feel so blessed to have the perfect family of 4 with a little boy and a little girl! Does life get any better than this?? Because this is awesome! :)
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