Good morning, all! We begin a new week again today! I've got 2 babies up and playing, both have drinks and toys, one is dressed (because his parents make sure to dress him every morning) and one is still in her jammies (because I'm lazy and have only been out of bed for half an hour, we'll get there). ;) It seems that the week is starting off on a good foot. :)
Here's a little about my weekend and how it went. :) There were only 4 of us at work on Saturday (the last Saturday before Valentine's Day), which means we were on our toes! We stayed busy most of the day and the 4 of us split all of our sales, which made for a really nice team attitude and feel. It was a good sales day. We didn't have the large sales, however, that we needed to hit our high daily goals. Our store goal for the day was somewhere around $11,000. We have between $7,000 and $8,000 when I left. So I'll have some work to do this week to catch up my numbers. Hopefully I'm able to do that before Friday (Valentine's Day), because after that our sales drop off significantly. We'll see...
Alia got to feel Connor kicking while I was at work on Saturday. She's been excited to feel kicks, probably since she found out I was pregnant, lol. He was VERY active all Saturday morning (maybe it was the Starbucks). ;) Finally, when he'd been kicking for a bit, I grabbed Alia's hand and she got to feel about a half dozen good little kicks, right there in a row. :) It's always fun getting to share that with people. :) I know I liked feeling other people's babies kick while they were pregnant. The movement is probably one of the things I'll miss most about pregnancy when we're done. But at least I'll have a handsome baby boy in my arms to snuggle with. ;)
I had Sunday off of work again!! I only have to work one Sunday this month, and that's next week. I have enjoyed those days with my family. Yesterday we went to church and Sis and Adam joined us! It was nice to see them! :) After church we went home and put Avery down for her nap. She got out of bed and played for a while before finally curling up on the floor on top of a pillow to sleep, lol! Silly girl!! Sis and Adam brought lunch over and the 4 of us played board games on and off around the babies eating, napping, and playing. It was a very nice day. :)
Now Monday has finally arrived, and we have more snow. Didn't know that was even coming! This means more work for Michael shoveling the sidewalk and driveway again. I feel bad for him, he's had to do it so many times. But he's a good hubby and homeowner and he keeps at it. :) I love him so very much!
We've got an exciting week ahead of us! Tonight, Michael and I are going to Manhattan for the K-State vs. KU basketball game. :) I'm excited to go to a game, I've had to work during a lot of them lately, so this will be the first one I've been to in close to a month. It will also be nice to just get out with my hubby for a bit. :) Beth is going to watch Avery tonight, which is good, because no one else will have to drive in the dark and bad weather back home late this evening after we get home.
Wednesday is our next doctor's appointment! Yay!! I love going and checking up on Connor! :) Our appointment is in the morning this time because I'll need some lab work done, and they don't like to do that in the late afternoon when we usually schedule our appointments. This week I'll do my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. I didn't have any problems with this during my pregnancy with Avery, and I haven't had protein or sugars in my urine dips thus far, so I think the test will come back normal. When I get to the doctor Wednesday I'll have to go upstairs and drink the glucose. It tastes like very sugary, flat orange soda. It's not a big deal. Then I go downstairs and see my doctor. After my appointment I'll go back to the lab to have my blood drawn to see how my body processes all of the sugar in my system. Finally, after the blood draw, I'll go back downstairs to get my Rhogam shot. I didn't know much about blood types and the way they can be impacted and effected during your pregnancy. I probably still wouldn't if Michael had had a negative blood type, because then I wouldn't have to worry about it. But I've enjoyed learning about these things. Just one more thing pregnancy has taught me. ;) I'm curious to find out what blood type Connor is.
My mom is going to come over on Wednesday and watch the babies while I go to the doctor. Then, she's going to stick around throughout the day and she and I are going to make freezer meals to try out some new recipes. This will give me an idea of what I want to have in the freezer before Connor is born. We probably won't get those into the freezer until closer to a month or so before his arrival. I'm looking forward to trying some new recipes and having another cooking day with my mom. :)
I'm working a lot this week before Valentine's Day. I'm hoping that we'll sell a lot. I also work on Saturday, we'll see if it's very busy being the day after Valentine's Day. No big Valentine's Day plans for Michael and I are in the works, but at the end of the month we're going to KC for the weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day and our 5 year anniversary, so we'll have a nice romantic weekend then. :)
Next week I'm looking forward to my massage!! Michael got me a massage groupon for Christmas at my favorite massage place here in town, Massology. :) I love going to them because they work the package around your needs instead of pre-determined packages and your stuck with the wrong thing if you purchase one that's not right for you on accident or out of ignorance (just not knowing what you need). So in 1.5 weeks I'll head over there for a nice relaxing massge. I think included in my groupon is a foot scrub and either a back or face treatment as well. But no matter, A.Jay, my massuse, is good about picking good add-ons for me. I especially love hot stones. :) I might have to make a request. :D
Meanwhile, back here at home, I'm still working on my "list", trying to earn myself another massage or a pedicure. I have 11 items left on my list. Michael has agreed to do 3 of those items. This leaves only 8 more things for me to do before Wednesday night. Here's hoping I'll be motivated to get them done. ;) I'm feeling pretty good this morning, so hopefully I can knock out a few more things today. :)
This Sunday the girls from work are coming over again, so I'd like to have the house all finished by then so everything will be in good shape when they get here. Also, if everything is cleaned up beforehand, it leaves far less for Michael to have to worry about picking up on Sunday when I'm at work. ;) And since he works so hard during the week and takes such good care of Avery while I work, I would like to keep from adding any more to his plate than I need to. :)
Well, I think that's more than enough for this morning. Hopefully this week is a good one. The babies are doing well, so far. For the first hour of the week, I'm thankful for pleasant and happy behavior. Here's hoping it lasts all week! :) Wishing you all a pleasant week as well!
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