Monday, February 24, 2014

Day One...

For those of you who don't know, Michael and I are watching Madison this week.  Chelsey had surgery on Friday and she and Nathan would be very hard pressed to take care of themselves and their kids.  So Madison is going to be here for the week.  That means that during the day I will have 3 babies between the ages of 15 and (almost) 23 months to care for.  While this doesn't sound like too much, it's not like I'm running a daycare or something, 3 one-year-olds seem like a lot to me, especially being (almost) 7 months pregnant.  But, we'll get by.  ;)  For those of you interested in how my week is going, I'll try to keep you updated with the play by play on here.  :)  I suppose this will be good practice for when Connor gets here.  I thought it would be pretty uneventful, as the 3 of them are pretty close in age, but I'm quickly realizing, there are a lot more differences between a 15-month-old and a 23-month-old (even a 15-month-old and a 17-month-old) than I thought.  ;)  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we take on this week!  It's sure to be an exhausting one, lol!

Day 1 w/ three babies:
-Breakfast: Dayton came over with Peanut Butter on Cheese crackers.  He shared well with Avery without any fussing.  I made waffles for Madison and Avery.  They are eating them well while they play.  Dayton is sharing in the waffles as well.  Since Dayton and Avery are used to our morning routine, they are running around and playing a lot more than Madison, who is still observing a lot.  Madison is also playing scavenger, as Avery and Dayton drop pieces of waffle, she is right behind to clean things up.  Her hands are full of cinnamon toast waffle pieces that she's munching on.
-Play: The 3 babies seem to be playing really well together.  Like I said, Madison is watching a little more, but she is following Avery and Dayton around and is interested in being with them and seeing what they're doing.  We've had an incident already, but it's the same type of thing we always have.  Dayton and Avery both wanted inside the toy car (Avery and Madison ran into this same problem over the weekend), neither of them wanted to get out or share, both of them were fussing, so I took the car away.  Problem solved.  :P  This is a weekly problem with Avery and Dayton.  I get tired of fighting the battle, so I put it away.  About the time I get it out again, we struggle with sharing again.  We'll get there eventually.  Madison seems very chill and relaxed like Avery.  As long as she has something to distract her/play with, she's fine.  She has no problem being accidently shut into the bedroom by her cousin, shutting the door, because there are books and toys in there.  Dayton is less enthusiastic, lol.  All in a days work.  ;)

Well, it's 8am now.  Only 3 more hours until nap time!  Here's hoping everyone gets along great for the next few hours and my blood pressure stays down, lol.  I'll try to update more later.  Again, thanks for your positive thoughts this week for Michael and I as we take on this task.  ;)

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