Thursday, February 13, 2014

Doctor's Appointment Details - 27w5d

Good Morning, Everyone!  I hope you're having a nice morning.  :)  I'm here to tell you how our doctor's appointment went yesterday.

My doctor called the appointment my 27 week appointment, even though I was actually 27 weeks and 5 days.  He just counts from the week I've completed.  Starting at 30 weeks (I will go back in 3 weeks) I will see him every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks, then I'll see him once a week.  This is one thing I love about the 3rd trimester is going to the doctor more often.  It makes the time pass faster, meaning our little boy will be here very soon!!

Back to the appointment...  I had to do my glucose test, so first I went upstairs to drink the glucose.  Then, I went back downstairs for my appointment.  I think I had my scale on a crack in our bathroom tile, because my weight from my update last week and my weight at my appointment yesterday were pretty far apart.  I'm still in a healthy range and my doctor didn't mention my weight being good or bad, so I will assume it's fine.  :)

My blood pressure was good, 120/80.  Normally it's closer to 120/60, but I was running a little late and getting frustrated with myself for not planning ahead better, so I think that's part of the reason it was a little higher.  Or it could have had something to do with the glucose.  Who knows.  Either way, I was still in a healthy range, so no worries.  :)

My urine dip was normal, no signs of proteins or sugars.  This makes me think that my gestational diabetes test will come back just fine.  No call is good.  If everything checks out well at the lab, they won't bother calling me, they'll just tell me at my next appointment that everything was fine.  If there's something to be concerned about, they'll call.  With Avery my gestational diabetes test came back fine, but my hemoglobins were low.  I can't remember for sure, but that might have been when I started taking extra iron.  I can't remember...

Connor was on the move yesterday, he made the nurse look around for a while for his heartbeat.  She kept having to adjust when he'd turn away from her.  Finally, she got settled on his heartbeat.  That's when we heard some other sounds.  Our little guy had the hiccups as well, lol!  Again, not sure if he just had them or if it was another effect of the glucose, but he was aweful squirrely through the appointment, lol!  He had a healthy heartrate of 134 beats/min.  :)  I expected it to be a little high since he was so wound up, but I guess that's a boy for ya.  ;)

After that, the nurse left and our doctor came in.  He did all his normal stuff, checked my stats, measured my belly, asked how things were going.  Everything went well.  We talked to him about permanent birth control options after Connor is born.  We found our what all our options were, recovery times, and procedures.  He seemed content with our decision to have no more kids and said that we could make our decision at the time of the birth.  So Michael and I have some things to roll over in our heads, then when Connor is born we'll make our final decision and have it done.  So there will be no doubt, confusion, worry, or wonder on whether Michael and I will be having anymore children.  ;)  These two will be all we need.  :)

My doctor was going to schedule our next appointment for 2 weeks instead of 3, because in 5 weeks he'll be gone.  However, he decided to go ahead and schedule us for 3 weeks out.  We'll see him then.  Then 2 weeks later (at 32 weeks) we'll see the nurse for our regular appointment instead of him.  We saw her earlier in the pregnancy when Dr. Kauffman was pulled away for an emergency delivery.  We told him and the nurse that we were fine with that, because if the moment comes and we need an emergency delivery, we want him to be available for us.  ;)

After we got done seeing the doctor, Michael went back to work.  I had to stay 30 minutes longer to wait for my glucose test to be done and to get my blood drawn.  The nurse taking my blood did great!  Sometimes they have problems with my veins, finding them or them rolling or having to adjust the needle once they find them, but she did great!  I was very impressed!  I was in and out quick!

After having my blood drawn, I left the office thinking about the last few things I needed to pick up from the store so that Mama and I could begin our freezer meal assembly day.  I completely forgot to go back and get my Rhogam shot.  So when I was a few blocks away, I remembered and went back.  Luckily, getting in for my shot was very quick.  It didn't hurt either (but then again, shots have never bothered me much).

That's about all from my doctor's appointment.  Things went well and we look forward to going back in 3 weeks.  :)  Connor's arrival is getting closer and closer!  :)  I'm having so much fun getting ready for him and enjoying my time being pregnant.  :)  The biggest thing I need to get done next to prepare for his arrival is to get him some clothes.  I'm pretty busy this weekend, but maybe next weekend I'll be able to get over to kid to kid with some of Avery's old clothes and trade them in for some new stuff for Connor.  :)  Only 85(ish) more days until he gets here!!  I can't wait!!  :D

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