Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Avery loves to climb!  She's getting better every day and gets higher as she gets taller and stronger.  She can successfully climb onto the toddler bed, the chair in her toyroom (soon to be her regular room once she hits 15 months and it's safe for her to sleep in the toddler bed), and the folding chairs to the card tables.  She is very close to being able to climb up on the upstairs couch and loveseat, the breakfast nook chairs, and our bed.  She's amazing!  So adventurous!  And fearless!  :/

Well one of the ways she likes to climb is to run up next to the couch where I'm sitting and start to pull herself up (using her arms and putting her leg up on the couch), so I grab her arm and help pull her up.  Once she's up on the couch she likes to look over the edge either out the window or at the picture frame where there are lots of pictures of Michael and me.  Sometimes she climbs over me to get where she's going.  On occassion, she climbs right on my belly.  Not too big of a deal now, but I can't imagine it working out too well in a couple months, lol!  Can't wait to see Avery's reaction when we put her hand on my belly and her baby brother or sister kicks her.  :P  Only 2 weeks from today until we find out!  Keep us in your prayers!  :)

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