Tuesday, December 17, 2013

1 Day, 1 Hour, 18 Minutes left to go!

Our sonogram begins tomorrow morning at 9am.  I cannot wait!!  While I've felt a little bit of movement, I'm still not feeling anything consistantly.  I don't feel very many big movements like kicks.  I'm anxious to get to the doctor, to see the baby, and, hopefully, to hear that everything is healthy and going well.  It's always a relief after I've been to the doctor, having just heard the heartbeat, and knowing that the baby and I are growing.  But as the weeks tick by until the next appointment, worry creeps in.  I worry that something has gone wrong in the last 4 weeks and that I won't find out until the next doctor's appointment.  In this case, it's been 5 weeks since I've seen anyone (I saw the nurse practicioner last time) and 9 weeks since I've seen my doctor.  So there's lots of room for worry.  :/  I just try to pay attention to the baby's movement, and let it assure me that everything's fine.  I try to remember that I have no signs or symptoms of miscarrying this baby, so everything is fine.  I feel the baby, especially in the morning, when he or she is cheated to one side of my abdomen and I can feel how big he or she is and I know that the baby has been growing.  I try to convince myself everything's fine.  But until tomorrow's sonogram is done and everything is good, I won't be able to relax completely. 

I am looking forward to the fact that we're almost to the halfway point!!  It's nice to know that the rough beginning is over, and that things should run smoothly until the end when I'm big and a little uncomfortable.  Also, halfway means we're very close the the viability age, 24 weeks.  While it's definitely not prefered that a baby be born as early as 24 weeks, that's when there is a slight chance that the baby could survive if something were to happen and it had to be delivered early.  Then each week and day beyond 24 weeks there's an even better chance of survival.  I don't think we'll ever feel very "out of the woods" until the baby is here, but these little milestones give me something to look forward to and help calm me down and worry less when we reach these points.  Of course, the March of Dimes says 39 weeks, which would be ideal if we didn't make it all the way until 40 weeks.  But I'd prefer to go all the way to my due date (but not passed) if the baby will cooperate.  ;)

I want to deliver this baby at the Birthcare Center across the street from the hospital.  I wanted to deliver Avery there too, but my platelets had fallen below 100,000, and they didn't know how my body would respond to labor and delivery, so I needed to be at the hospital so they could keep a closer eye on me.  Now that we know that pregnancy causes my platelets to fall for some unknown reason, but never to a dangerously low level, I am hopeful that even if my platelets go under 100,000, that we can deliver at the Birthcare Center.  We're still a long way away from that time and discussion.  However, my doctor is pretty awesome, so as long as he feels the baby and I will be safe (and history shows that we will) he will probably be ok with it.  :)  The Birthcare Center is set up better for visitors.  They have their own room with couches and a TV and everything.  :)  I loved having visitors when we were in the hospital with Avery, and I look forward to having our friends and family there with us to celebrate the arrival of this new little one.  :)

In other news, Michael and I got our Christmas present from my parents early, a deep freeze!!  I'm very excited about this, because I'll have plenty of room to freeze and store meals for after the baby gets here and I don't feel like cooking.  ;)  (Who am I kidding?  I don't feel much like cooking right now either, but hopefully eventually!!)  When we were pregnant with Avery, we had to store stuff at Sis and Adam's in their freezer because all we have in at home is our little kitchen freezer, and it's STUFFED!  Actually, now that we have the deep freeze, I might go through the freezer and put a few things into the deep freeze so we have some more space in the house.  ;)  I'm also looking forward to going to Sams and getting some stuff in bulk that can be put in the freezer to try to save on some of our grocery bills.  I'm very excited about it!  :)

Alright, one silly story, and then I think I'm done (until tomorrow when I spill all my happiness on here after a very successful and healthy sonogram, please pray!).  Avery and Dayton usually play together very well.  Avery absolutely adores Dayton, and unless she's trying to take the toy he's playing with, Dayton pretty well tollerates Avery as well.  ;)  Well yesterday they were playing and chasing each other, a favorite game for both of them.  Well, at some point they each fell over and ended up on the ground.  Instead of getting back up and chasing each other again, they just kept going and crawled up and down the halls and around the living room, chasing each other and giggling up a storm.  They looked so silly crawling.  It's been almost 6 months since Avery's crawled and about 10 months for Dayton.  Anyways, they chased each other all over, crawling, giggling, and having a great time (moving very slowly in the process).  Finally, they got back up and started running again, still having a wonderful time.  :)  It was just too cute watching these sweet toddlers crawl all over the place like little babies.  They are so silly!  They definitely made me laugh.  :)

Anyways, stay tuned tomorrow for healthy info from our sonogram.  And maybe later today I'll try to get some more belly pictures posted.  ;)  Have a wonderful Tuesday, and if you have a moment, please say a little prayer on our behalf that our appointment goes smoothly tomorrow.  :)  Thanks guys!  Talk to you again soon!!

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