Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Ok folks, for those of you on facebook, you've probably already seen that my platelet levels dropped again.  Let me break down what this means:
-Platelets are what cause your blood to clot
-Platelets are destroyed and regenerated regularly in your body
-This process is sped up during pregnancy, resulting in less platelets, but younger and larger ones
-It is normal for your platelet levels to drop somewhat during pregnancy
-The normal platelet range is 150,000-400,000
-My doctor said the platelets will work just fine down to 100,000, even as low as 60,000
-Complications can occur when low platelet count is combined with high blood pressure, protein in the urine, swelling, headaches, nausea, or vomiting

At the beginning of my pregnancy they did a series of blood tests on me.  These tests checked my beginning of pregnancy blood levels as well as verified the fact that I was pregnant (as if the ultrasound and heartbeat were not enough of an indication).  At the very beginning of my pregnancy my platelet levels were a little low, 124,000.  Some people naturally have low-laying platelet levels.  Having done some research on platelets, I'm a little surprised by the fact that I am naturally low-laying on my platelet counts, because I've never had a blood clotting problem.  Anyway, in July I had my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  It came back negative, which is great, and my platelets, while still low, had risen a little to 126,000.  The next month when I went in to see my doctor, he had me do another blood test to check my platelet levels.  They remained the same.  After 3 tests, my doctor came to the conclusion that I naturally have a low platelet count, that it is nothing to worry about, and that we would keep checking periodically to make sure they weren't getting too low.  Well, yesterday we checked again.  It had been a month since my last blood test.  Today I got a call from the doctor's office, telling me my results.  My platelets dropped again.  They are now at 106,000.  Now, while this is definitely getting lower, this is not a huge cause for concern.  Here's why:
-Platelets can and will continue to work and be very effective down to 50,000 count
-A low platelet count by itself is not a big issue, it is when it is combined with high blood pressure, protein in the urine, swelling, nausea, or vomiting that it becomes more of an issue
-My blood pressure and urine dip were fine at our last appointment, well within normal ranges

So while this seems like it could be a problem, I don't think it's going to be.  Our baby girl and I have been very healthy throughout this entire pregnancy.  My doctor has not been concerned with my platelet levels, so until he starts showing concern, I'm going to be positive.  Another piece of good news is that the platelets do not effect the baby and her health, they are entirely on me.  And I'm tough and stubborn and am not going to let a little thing like a low count get me down.  My baby is healthy and we are going to have a healthy labor and delivery and everything is going to be GREAT!  :D  So I wanted to make sure you were all informed about what was going on.  This information is not to make you panick, just to inform you of the situation.  Just another pregnancy stat like the baby's heartbeat or my weight.  Nothing to be concerned about.  ;)  I'll keep you all informed as we learn more.  :)

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