Sunday, September 23, 2012

38 Weeks, 2 Days...

And the count continues...  I was hoping our little girl would be here by yesterday, but no such luck.  Yesterday was a very long day for me.  It was our VIP event at work which means we give great sales and work really hard all day.  By the end of the day my pelvis was hurting so bad I knew I needed some sort of relief.  I went to Target and bought and exercise ball to sit on to help stretch out a little.  I sat on it for about half an hour when I got home.  It was very nice.  Hopefully our little girl will decide to arrive soon.  I can certainly tell that she's moving down farther into my pelvis.  I won't be surprised at all to find at our appointment on Tuesday (if she hasn't come before then) that I have dilated 1-2 more centimeters, that I have become completely effaced, or that she's as low as the 0 station of my pelvis.  We will see where we are on Tuesday, but as far as I can tell, we are most definitely making progress.  Now I'm just waiting for my water to break or consistent contractions to start so we can go in and I can ask for that epidural!  ;)  Because I'm ready for it already!

Yesterday my amazing hubby finished up the last few things that needed done around the house to prepare for our little girl's arrival!  He put the monitor up on the wall in the nursery, now it perfectly overlooks the crib, so we can see exactly what's going on and how our little munchkin is sleeping.  :)  He also moved the couches upstairs so that we can greet and receive people into our home upstairs and actually have places to sit instead of sitting on the floor.  That leaves the basement quite empty, but we'll get some furniture for down there sometime soon.  :)  We just found that we weren't really spending much time downstairs in the basement, so we decided it would be more practical to have our furniture upstairs.  It looks great!  :)  I love it!!  :D  He also picked up our bedroom.  We have brought things into our room and the floor gets littered with clothes and things and then I end up tripping over things on my way to the bathroom at night.  So Michael cleaned up for me.  :)  He's the greatest!  Now I just need to get some laundry done and the house will be back to spotless and ready for a baby.  :)

I was supposed to go in to work today, but I called last night to tell them I wouldn't be coming in.  I have been working myself too thin and need to take a day and take care of myself.  I didn't have a scheduled day off until 2 days before the baby's due date, which made me working 10+ days straight with no break at 38 and 39 weeks pregnant.  After the pain I was in yesterday I knew I needed a break.  Very much looking forward to resting today.  Also looking forward to our little girl's arrival, and for my maternity leave to begin!  I have decided to take off until the Monday following Thanksgiving.  That way I don't have to work my family holiday schedule around work.  It should be nice and relaxing.  :)

Well, happy Sunday, everyone.  :)  I'll keep you informed about baby progress.  ;)  *fingers crossed*  Maybe today....

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