Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Day of Fall!

My favorite time of year is officially back!  Fall is here, and I could not be more excited!  Our baby girl has stubbornly refused to come out the past week, despite my pleading with her.  I suspect that the reason is that she knew how much I wanted her to be a fall baby, and she was going to wait long enough to make sure it was official.  ;)  Now that fall is officially here, maybe she'll go ahead and decide to join us.  :)

For those of you who don't know why fall is the best season ever, allow me to enlighten you.  :)  Fall has the perfect weather, it's cooling off from summer, but not yet so cold that you're chilled to the bone the way you are in the winter.  The weather is perfect for jackets and hoodies.  The air is crisp and bleezy.  The days are gray, which can be sad for some people, but I welcome the change from the abusive sun every day.  Scarves are dug out of the closet in the fall, a new accessory for a new season.  Many team-spirited outfits are seen in the fall because in the fall begins football season!  :)  Everyone gets together and makes snacks and sits down to watch the game.  Hooping and hollaring and cheering their team on surrounded by friends and family, it's just too much fun!  :)  God paints the earth with an entirely new color scheme in the fall.  To brighten up His gray skies he throws in red, yellow, orange, and brown leaves.  They fall from the trees and sail over the roads as you drive creating little leaf tornados in your wake.  Pumpkins and gourds are seen in a variety of colors and alert passers by and shoppers that the best season has once again arrived.  In the fall you take hay rack rides and cuddle with someone you love.  And when the evening air gets to be too chilly for you, just grab a steamy cup of hot chocolate or coffee and you'll be warmed from the inside out.  Or stand near a fire and roast yourself a marshmellow, because smores are even better in the fall.  :)  Plastic orange jack-o-lanterns are filled with candy for excited children, because Halloween is in the fall too.  Think and plan for months what you're going to be, then take advantage of the one night a year where you're encouraged to dress up and be silly.  :)  And when the silliness is done, we turn our attention to another favorite fall holiday, Thanksgiving.  :)  Everyone gets tons of food together and ready.  Spend time with friends and family and be thankful for all the good things in your life.  I begin Christmas shopping around this time of year.  Finding those perfect gifts to tell my friends and family that I love them, care for them, and value them.  And throughout the entire season we get to enjoy warm, wonderful foods like soup and chili.  :)  There really is no better season.  :)  Happy first day of fall, my friends!  :D

Only 13(ish) more days until our little girl is due.  I've had little pains and signs that her arrival is getting closer, but she's not here just yet.  She's dropping farther and farther into my pelvis.  Breathing isn't nearly as difficult anymore.  It won't be too much longer and the highest she'll be is up at my belly button.  Michael and I have noticed every few days that she's getting lower.  It's so crazy everything that's happening.  I'm still a little blown away that I don't have to do anything.  My body and our little girl have known what to do and are taking care of things.  I don't need to help out or anything, just be here to keep her incubating.  It's crazy!  I hope we meet her soon.  :)

Well, to celebrate the first day of fall, Michael and I are going to enjoy some coffee together outside on our back deck before I have to get ready and go to work.  :)  Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

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