Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Thoughts

I tried to sleep in this morning because I have the entire day off today, but here it is, 8:45 in the morning, and I'm awake already.  Sigh.  Oh well.  I guess I'll have plenty of time to work on my baby list today.

Yesterday Michael and I got our maternity photos taken!  :D  We had a really good time.  :)  Michael was very pleased with Courtney and her photography skills.  We've seen people claim to be photographers, even at weddings, so had no sense of lighting, spacing, framing, etc.  Courtney showed us she was a professional, sitting us in different places and positions, catching unique angles and sun rays, it was really good!  We have 2 preview pictures from the session so far!  Hope you like them!

Michael and I went last night to Nancy's (Michelle's mom's) house to watch the DNC.  It was really fun!  :)  Shell made dinner and I got some good quality time with her while she's in town.  It was also nice to watch the DNC with people who believe the same way we do.  Not many of those types of people here in Kansas.  Michael had a good time talking politics, as always, and having an outlet of someone to talk back instead of me who mostly just listens and can't contribute much.  Thanks for inviting us, Shelly!  We had a great time!!!!  :D

So I've seen on facebook that Starbucks has their fall flavored coffee drinks out!  Finally!!!  I think a trip to Starbucks is in my future!  :)  Maybe today!  Or maybe tonight when my hubby gets home.  :)  That would be a nice little date night idea.  :)  Hmmm....  ;)

Today we hit the 36 week mark!  Hoooray!  Our baby girl is the size of a honeydo!  I'm getting even more excited for my upcoming doctor's appointments!  While they will probably be awkward for Michael, as the doctor checks for dialation and effacement, it just means that we are getting dangerously close to the end!  :)  Next week she'll be considered full term!  If I went into labor 7+ days from now, I would be considered full term and low risk and be able to be admitted into the birthcare center to deliver our little girl.  It's all getting soooooo close!!!

My checklist of things to do before she gets here is getting shorter.  I got all of the cloth diapers washed, she they are all ready for her adorable little bottom!  :)  I love having them out again.  I had forgotten how cute they all are.  Only another week until our final baby shower.  Then I'll be able to finish off our thank you notes and buy the last few items that we still need off of the registries.  Most of my cleaning on my to-do list is done.  But I may need to pass some of it off to Michael.  I was on the floor scrubbing the carpet the other day and found it very hard to move and breath down there in that position.  While I do fancy myself Wonder Woman, I think my time is coming where I need to admit that I cannot do it all.

Coming up here soon I am going to schedule some pampering for me.  As I near the end of my pregnancy I am getting plenty uncomfortable.  But my sweet and wonderful hubby bought me a massage for our anniversary!  So I think it's about time to cash it in!  :D  I also want to go to a nail salon and get a pedicure and my toes schelacked (sp?).  That way I don't have to worry about them for several weeks, which is good, because I'm not sure now much longer I can reach them anyway!  :P

Life continues to be extremely good right now.  Our time with family was awesome.  Our time in Manhattan was like going home again.  Our house is the perfect home for us, our puppies and soon a baby girl.  Our jobs are good and stable.  My worries about various little things have been put on the back burner, and I'm looking forward to the last month of just Michael and I before our lives change forever.  How can life get any better than this????  :D

Well, friends, I'm going to call it good for now.  ;)  Have a few things to update on facebook in regards to pregnancy progress.  I hope you all have a great Friday and a super weekend!  Stay tuned in every day, because any day now this baby could decide to come!  I'm sure I'll be facebooking, blogging, texting, and calling from the delivery room, so there's no way you'll miss it!  ;)  Love you all!!

Happy Friday to you!  Happy 36 weeks to us!  :D

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