Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I'm really whiney when I'm sick.  I think I've had a pretty positive outlook on things throughout my pregnancy.  Now, given, I did think the baby was trying to kill me in the first trimester, and I refered to her as "the parasite" through much of the second trimester because she made me so hungry and I was getting so big, but otherwise, I think I've been pretty good about things.  It's better to stay positive, because it will make things easier, and honestly, no one wants to listen to you complain.  :P  Well, all that being said, I'm sick.  :(  I don't know if I got it from someone at work, a customer, an employee, or if Michael gave it to me, but I did get a cold from someone.  :(  Luckily it's just a cold, not the flu or anything like that.  I just really want to enjoy these last couple of weeks of my first pregnancy and I don't want this cold messing with that, especially when I'm in labor!  I don't want to have a cold then!  So I'll keep this brief, because complaining won't help, but if you could be thinking and praying for me, I'd really love to get over this quickly.  Thanks guys.  :)

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