Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 17 - Friday and Saturday Recap

Ok, my last blog didn't get lost, so hopefully these smaller ones are doing the trick.  I failed to mention, on my second attempt at my blog for today, that I didn't realize that the pictures I tried to post yesterday didn't actually post.  So even though I published them today, they were from yesterday morning's post.

We finished our Friday with dinner on the deck!  It was wonderful!  I love Spring and being able to eat on the deck again.  We haven't used the table and chairs as much as I thought we would since we got them, but I'm hoping that changes soon.  So far we've been out there for meals at least a half dozen times in the last couple weeks.  Eating out there and as a family is good for my soul.  😊  After dinner we spent most of the rest of the evening out on the deck listening to music and just being together as a family enjoying the weather and our couches and snuggles.  Michael and I ended up staying up until almost 1am listening to old music from our collections and talking about when and where we remember hearing various songs.  It was a fun evening.  😊

So yesterday we had a nice quiet day.  We made waffles for breakfast, painted, played, and had a really relaxing day.  While I miss not being able to go out, I'm enjoying slowing down and having more focused time together as a family.  This quarantine won't make an introvert out of me, but hopefully it will make me more intentional with what I fill my schedule and calendar with in the future.  We'll see.  😊

I don't think I added any explanations for the pictures from yesterday morning that I posted, so I might include a few of them again and put a sentence or two, explaining them.

Our dinner Friday night was AMAZING!  Avery wanted pasta.  I had a bagged chopped salad in the fridge.  I also made stuffed mushrooms in the air fryer.  They were, quote possibly, the best stuffed mushrooms I've ever had!  If you don't like stuffed mushrooms, this might not sound like a big deal to you, but I love them, so this is a really big deal!  In the event that anyone reading this also likes them, here is the recipe!  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

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