Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine Days 1-5

This weekend we went out of town for Spring Break.  We started this last year, the whole family getting away for the weekend.  Then after the weekend was over, Mama, the kids, and I stayed for a couple more days.  This worked out particularly well this year, as the coronavirus was just starting to ramp up when we left.  We had a great weekend, and it worked well to isolate, but a lot changed over the weekend.

7 days ago I was laughing and joking about the coronavirus.  I sent a text to my friend, Nate, who went to Africa with me in college, and is also a doctor, and said, "You know, in light of all the coronavirus scare, I just have to say, I brushed my teeth in the tap water in Cameroon...  I think I'm good.  😉🤣"  So much has changed in a week.  Today Governor Kelly suspended in-person classes for all K-12 schools in Kansas.  The word I keep coming back to is surreal.  I figure later in my life I'll look back and read about what life was like during this time.  So I'm going to keep track of how life is changing and what life looks like for our family during this time.

Today we, Mama, Dayton, Avery, Connor, and I, came home from the farm.  We had been out there all weekend with Daddy, Michael, Adam, Sis, and Delaney.  I decided this evening to try to get more vegetables into our diet.  So we had Ramen with Zucchini and Brussel Sprouts for dinner.  It was delicious!  Michael and the kids all liked it!  Huzzah!  Stay tuned for more exciting tales of quarantined life!  ❤  Stay safe out there!  😷

Avery also asked to do one of her face masks.  And as we are still, technically, on Spring Break, we'll be doing plenty of silly, fun, and non-educational things in the coming days.  😊❤

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