Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 13

Hey guys!  Wow, it was a little surreal typing Day 13 on my title of this blog.  Can't believe we've been more or less isolated for that long.  It's been a couple days, so let me recap...

On Monday we drove around the neighborhoods that feed into Sunflower with a parade of teachers to wave to our students (and Avery and Connor to their friends).  It was an emotional drive.  We don't entirely know what the next couple months are going to look like, but my heart is still breaking, especially for my 5th grade students who are missing so much here at the end of the year, primarily their musical that they have worked all year to put together.  However, on a positive note, it was wonderful to see everyone and they all seemed to be smiling and in good spirits.  Many of those kiddos are in my thoughts and prayers constantly and I would love it if you would join me in praying for them.  Life won't be quite as easy for several of them the next two months.  The kids loved seeing their friends and cousins while we drove around.  I think many of their friends were surprised to see them.  I think almost all know that I work at the school, but it was still funny to see the slight shock on their faces when Avery and Connor called to them from the window.  Several friends jumped up and down and shouted and waved excitedly.  It was a really good time.  We drove around neighborhoods for a whole hour.

Monday evening, Avery got baptized!  It was a wonderful night!  Lito, Tiffany, Brian, and Melisaa from church were all there.  Mama, Daddy, Sis, Adam, Dayton, and Delaney all came too!  It was wonderful seeing everyone (mostly from a safe distance) and having them all there to share that special moment with us.  Avery has been impatiently waiting to get baptized for what seems like months now, so it shouldn't have been quite as surprising that she had barely gotten into the baptistry, and we hadn't got to go through the speech, before she dunked herself under and came up saying, "I'm baptized!"  🤦🏼‍♀️  Oh, our sweet, silly, impatient little girl!  No idea where she gets that from!  Sis even managed to catch the pre-dunk on camera where she was shooting a Facebook Live video for us.  So we'll always be able to look back at that moment.  We went out for ice cream and grilled burgers at Avery's request afterwards.  It was a perfect end to the day.
Yesterday I did my first Zoom meeting online with my building staff.  We discussed what school would look like and some general ideas to keep in mind going forward.  It was good to see everyone.  There have been so many teachers working tirelessly to pull this all together.  I'm so proud of them and thankful for their dedication to our students and their learning.  It will certainly be a transition, moving forward, but I think we'll get it figured out.  Today I have 5 different Zoom meetings, so I think I'll have the platform under control in no time.  It would also work great for playing board games remotely...  Just saying...  In case anyone else wants to download it!  😉😁  Way better than Skype.

Well, that's about all I've got for the moment.  The stay at home issue is now in place, but both Michael and Ibare considered essential, so no worries there.  We're getting Michael's home office put together this evening, as well as getting my arbor for the garden purchased!  I'm hoping in the next couple weeks we'll get the garden boxes built and filled with dirt and get the rest of my garden built!  ❤  Can't wait!!  

Love you all!  Here are a few pictures from the last few days to show what quarantine life has been like around The Voss Household!  Love you so much!  Be good to one another!  ❤

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