Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Peanut Butter Banana Wrap

Breakfast this morning was easy peasy!  I've made something similar to this before, but this time I had an actual recipe to go with it.  This is a winning recipe for several reasons...
1.  It was easy!  Took just a few minutes to put it all together.
2.  It was tasty!  Always important in Michael's and my book when speaking of healthy food.
3.  The kids loved it!  Any time I can make the same recipe for the kids as I do for Michael and I and have less work, is a good time.

For these reasons, specifically the tasty one, Michael and I give this recipe 4 stars!  :)  Instead of the tortillas that the recipe suggested, I was Flatbread wraps from Aldi's.  They are only 90 calories each!  They were also the perfect size to wrap the bananas!  That's about it.  If you need a quick and easy breakfast for a morning on the go, I recommend this recipe!  Enjoy!


  1. You are two days behind, I'm missing my clothing fix!

    1. I'm trying to catch up! Didn't know anyone was paying attention to the clothes! :P

    2. I'm trying to catch up! Didn't know anyone was paying attention to the clothes! :P
