Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I'm not sure that I'll ever be ok with what happened to us.  What I have been desiring from the Lord is peace.  He has been so good.  Walking through many fires and trials since even before we were married, we know how to get through them.  Hand in hand, Michael and I pray for peace that surpasses all understanding.  And the Lord hears our prayers and calms our hearts.  This does not mean that we forget or that we are hardened to the trial that we are going through, it simply means that the Lord is standing with us and carrying us through the hardest areas where our souls grow weak and we can no longer carry ourselves. 

As many of you know, I have a tattoo on my foot.  My tattoo has 3 tiny footprints and a reference, Isaiah 52:7.  This tattoo has a great deal of meaning to me, and as we head out of this trial, slightly downtrodden, but ever increasing with hope of what's to come, my tattoo gives me peace.  You see, one of my favorite poems has always been The Footprints in the Sand.  If you haven't read it, you should look it up and read it before I spoil the ending for you.  *spoiler alert*  At the end of the poem Jesus enlightens the man that when he saw only one set of footprints in the sand, during the times in his life that held the greatest trials and tribulation, it was during those times that Jesus carried the man, thus, a single set of footprints.  My tattoo has a single set of footprints.  And while the ink in my foot holds many more meanings for me, it is this single set of footprints that I want to focus on. 

The time Michael and I are going through at the moment is one of those trials.  I praise God that we have each other to help each other here on earth, a physical shoulder to cry and lean on.  So in our story there are 3 sets of footprints.  And Michael and I lean on each other, but when the burden is too much to bear, God steps in a carries each of us, sometimes at the same time.

But after a little over 2 weeks, I can say that the peace is coming.  It may not be completely here, but it is working it's way into my heart.  I'm so thankful for Michael who has held me tight in his arms through this whole unfortunate time.  He's been such an amazing rock for me.  And Avery has been a joy, as usual, making me focus on happier things in life.

So that's how I'm doing.  :)  Thanks for reading.

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